- Treasurer-Tax Collector
- Property Tax
- Pay Your Taxes
- Property Tax
- Overview Of Property Taxes
- Tax Exemptions, Exclusions, or Savings
- Secured Taxes
- Secured Supplemental Property Tax
- Unsecured Supplemental
- Unsecured
- Delinquent Unsecured Taxes
- Redemption
- Tax Collection FAQ’s
- Mobile Homes
- Change of Mailing Address
- Tract and Parcel Maps
- Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
- Appeal of Property Value
- Related Agencies
- Important Dates
- Auction
- Special Collections
- Unclaimed Property Tax Refunds
- Investments
- Treasury
- Business License
- Transient Occupancy Tax
- Treasurer-Tax Collector
- Property Tax
- Pay Your Taxes
- Property Tax
- Overview Of Property Taxes
- Tax Exemptions, Exclusions, or Savings
- Secured Taxes
- Secured Supplemental Property Tax
- Unsecured Supplemental
- Unsecured
- Delinquent Unsecured Taxes
- Redemption
- Tax Collection FAQ’s
- Mobile Homes
- Change of Mailing Address
- Tract and Parcel Maps
- Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
- Appeal of Property Value
- Related Agencies
- Important Dates
- Auction
- Special Collections
- Unclaimed Property Tax Refunds
- Investments
- Treasury
- Business License
- Transient Occupancy Tax
Delinquent Unsecured Taxes
The Treasurer-Tax Collector (TTC) is responsible for collecting delinquent taxes owed to the County. TTC enforces collections by: sending demand notices for payments, contacting debtors to secure payments, establishing payment agreements, initiating legal actions at Small Claims Court, and/or bank seizures.
If you have received notice from our department or would like to verify that your unsecured property taxes are unpaid, please review the excel spreadsheet below for information. This information is updated monthly to show current amounts due for unpaid bills.
To contact our office or to obtain a copy of the tax bill, email Tax.Collector@ventura.org or call (805) 654-3727. Payments are accepted in cash or check only and can be mailed, dropped off in our drop box or paid in person. To read more on methods of payments, please click here. Note: Unsecured bills may not be viewed or paid online at this time.
Unsecured Delinquent Bills file was last updated March 5, 2025.
Payments processed after this date may not be reflected in the attached list.
***If a lien is placed, a separate check for $20 payable to Ventura County Recorder is also required to release the lien. If included with payment, Tax Collection will deliver to Recorder on your behalf.
Escaped Assessment (4 Year) Payment Plans – your outstanding bill will be on the listing of delinquent taxes because the bill is not currently paid in full until we receive all of the installment plans. This will not affect your payment plan at all if it is in good standing. If you have any questions, please contact our office at (805) 654-3727 or email Tax.Collector@ventura.org.