Park Rules
Parks Rent and Fee Schedule
This document applies to all County Parks within Ventura County, whether controlled exclusively by the County, under lease with a private entity, or controlled concurrently with other governmental entities. This document undergoes an annual review process to ensure it remains operationally current and fees are maintained.
- Rent and Fee Schedule
, which covers all operations and fees in all County parks properties.
No person shall use any County Parks facility without paying the appropriate use fees as required by the Board of Supervisors. Such use fees shall be paid to or collected by the appropriate County authorized representative, or placed into a vault or other official money receptacle for that purpose. Use fees are non-transferable.
Administrative Fees
An administrative fee of $15.00 shall be charged for any review of citations (tickets) incurred due to customer error (e.g., late payment of camping fee) or other reason that are voided and/or reverted to camping fees.
An administrative fee of $15.00 may be charged for any camper changing sites, if the Park Ranger deems it appropriate
An administrative fee of $15.00 shall be charged for processing late payments of camping fees.
Online Payment for Campsites by Credit Card
Campers may pay for their campsite use fee with a credit card by utilizing the County’s mobile payment system (https://www.venturaparks.org/payment/ ). Payment can be made when the camper is physically occupying an unreserved campsite after 11:00 a.m. Payment can also be made after 11:00 a.m. using mobile payment for same day arrival.
Authority of Parks Services Rangers
In accordance with State of California Penal Code, Section 836.5 County of Ventura Parks Services Rangers are sworn Public Officers. Parks Services Rangers issue warnings, citations, and may make arrests. Parks Services Rangers are authorized, pursuant to Penal Code 836.5, to arrest a person without a warrant whenever they have reasonable cause to believe that the person to be arrested has committed a misdemeanor, in their presence which constitutes a violation of those provisions of County ordinances and state laws which said public officers are authorized to enforce.
Interference with a Public Officer – No person shall intentionally obstruct or interfere in any manner with a public officer in the exercise of his/her duties. This is a criminal offence.
How long can I camp at a Ventura County Park?
Maximum cumulative length of all single stays in any one campground is 30 days during peak season (March 1 through October 31) and 30 days during the off-season (November 1 through February 28) per calendar year. Maximum cumulative length of all single stays in the County-operated park system is sixty (60) peak-season days and sixty (60) off-season days per twelve (12) month period.
Maximum stay is 14 consecutive days in County parks (with the exception of the Rincon Parkway and Bike Camping Areas). Campers at Hobson Beach Park and Faria Beach Park must vacate the park for seven (7) days after a single stay of three (3) days or more before occupying either Hobson Beach Park, Faria Beach Park, or Rincon Parkway. Campers at any park other than Hobson Beach Park, Faria Beach Park, or Rincon Parkway must vacate the park for 48 hours after a single stay of more than three (3) days before re-occupying the same park. The Director may authorize on a case-by-case basis an extension to these lengths of stay for persons directly affected by an emergency duly declared by the County.
Maximum stay for the Rincon Parkway is no more than seven (7) days during the period of March 1 through October 31 or no more than fourteen (14) days during the period of November 1 through February 28.
After parking for five (5) or more continuous days during the off-season, campers must vacate the Rincon Parkway and remove their recreational vehicle, and no person shall park the same recreational vehicle within the Rincon Parkway until at least seven (7) days have elapsed from the date of departure. After parking for three (3) continuous days during the peak-season, campers must vacate the Rincon Parkway and remove their recreational vehicle within the Rincon Parkway until at least seven (7) days have elapsed from the date of departure. Campers at Rincon Parkway must vacate the parkway for seven (7) days after a single stay of any length before occupying either Hobson Beach Park or Faria Beach Park.
County Parks are covered by two ordinances:
- Rincon Ordinance (4600)
, which covers operations on Hwy 1 between Emma Wood State Beach and Seacliff Rd.
- County Parks Ordinance (4601)
, which covers all operations in all County parks properties.