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Frequently Asked Questions - ILP
Who is eligible to receive Independent Living Program services?
Youth between the ages of 16 and 21 who are currently in an out-of-home placement or who were in an out-of-home placement sometime after their 16th birthday are eligible for Independent Living Program (ILP) services.What services are available?
ILP offers a full range of services designed to assist and support emancipating foster youth in their transition to independent living. Services include weekly life skills classes, employment and educational support, health care, housing search assistance, social events celebrating students’ successes, and after care support for emancipated youth.How long can participants receive services?
Youth can receive ILP / in care services up to their 21st birthday. Youth can receive after care services up to the age of 24 years old for a total cumulative of two years. Youth can receive Transitional Housing Program Plus (THP+) Housing Services up to the age of 24 years old for a total cumulative of two years.How are youth referred?
Youth are referred to ILP by their child welfare social workers or probation officers. Together with the child welfare worker or probation officer, a youth should complete a Transitional Independent Living Plan (TILP) prior to referral to ILP, and the TILP should be sent along with the referral form to the Community Services Coordinator. Referrals can also be made by other counties.Does ILP provide housing?
ILP continues to develop housing options for emancipating foster youth. Together with partner providers, ILP offers Transitional Housing Program Plus (THP+) for emancipated youth.Does ILP provide employment services?
Through partnership with Ventura County Workforce Development Board and the Department of Children & Family Services students are given an opportunity to participate in employment readiness training and career exploration in the life skills classes. Students also receive employment services, both in class and out through an employment and educational support program and students may participate in employment readiness training. Youth can continue to receive supportive services in the areas of housing, education, employment, and health after emancipation. Services include individual in care case management.Do participants earn money through participation in ILP?
Yes! Students receive a stipend of $10 per weekly class completed. Students receive their total stipend upon graduation.Can a youth receive ILP services if their case is terminated?
As long as a youth was in out-of-home placement for any period after their 16th birthday, even if the case was later terminated, they are eligible to receive ILP services.NOTE: As a convenience to our visitors, this page may contain links to external websites that are not managed or controlled by the County of Ventura.