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CalFresh Quality Control

Through the CalFresh Quality Control program, HSA may review your case to ensure that you receive the right benefits and that no mistakes were made during the eligibility process. This information helps CalFresh improve quality so clients get the benefits they are eligible for.

Why was my case selected for a Quality Control review?

The state randomly selects cases for quality control review. If your case is chosen, it is not because you did anything wrong or due to a problem.

Am I required to participate?

Yes. Participation is required by law (Food Stamp Act of 1977) and part of your CalFresh Rights and Responsibilities. If you opt not to participate in the review, your CalFresh benefits will stop and may be reinstated once you do.

What should I expect during a Quality Control review?
  • You will receive a Quality Control Introduction letter (link) letting you know that CalFresh has selected your case for review, the month under review, and the person conducting your review.
  • We will ask you to complete an interview and provide information from when you first applied to CalFresh or recertified.
  • We may also ask for information separate from your original CalFresh application or recertification.
What are my options for completing an interview?

You can complete your interview via FaceTime, Google Duo, or in person.

What types of verification will be required?

We will ask for information, verification, and documentation from when you first applied or recertified your CalFresh case and for the month under review. Examples include:

Who is living in your home?
Living arrangements and if you purchase and prepare meals with others living in your home.

What is your income?
Paystubs, self-employment, unemployment, disability, retirement, Social Security benefits, RSDI, SSI/SSP, etc.

What are your expenses?
Rent, mortgage, property taxes, childcare, medical bills, etc.

How much do you pay for utilities?
Gas, electricity, phone, etc.

What other resources or assets do you have?
Bank accounts, 401K accounts, stocks and bonds, lottery and gambling winnings, real property such as a home or land, vehicles, etc.

We may ask you to verify your identity
Birth certificate, passport, ID, SSN, etc.

Can I submit documents online?

Yes, you can submit documents here

What does CalFresh do with my information?

We will compare the new information to the original documents to see if there are errors.

What happens if you discover an error?

If an error is discovered, we will send you a Change Notice if the review discloses an error. This notice will let you know if your CalFresh benefit has increased or decreased and how you can appeal changes.

Your quality control review results are also sent to the California Department of Social Services: CalFresh Quality Control and Improvement Section to help with quality control.

Where can I get more information if my case is selected for review?

For more detailed information, please call the quality control reviewer at the number listed in your introduction or interview letter. You can also email us at HSA-CalFreshQC@ventura.org.

Reference Documents
Below are samples of  documents you may receive if selected for a Quality Control review.

For more information, email us at HSA-CalFreshQC@ventura.org

How to Apply

How to apply today for CalFresh benefits

Benefits Status

Check the status of your benefits

Report Changes

How to report income or other changes

Check Balance

How to check balance or replace EBT card

Questions & Useful Links

Get answers and find more information

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