Child/Adult Abuse & Neglect Hotline: 805-654-3200

CalFresh Data
CalFresh is a monthly benefit program for people who qualify that can be used to buy most foods at markets and food stores. The CalFresh program supports the health and well-being of qualified households by increasing household food budgets to put healthy and nutritious food on the table.
Learn more about the program here: CalFresh
CalFresh Application Process
Households dealing with severely limited resources in need of emergency food may qualify for Expedited CalFresh Services (learn more here). Those qualified may receive CalFresh benefits within three (3) business days from the time the County receives the eligible application.
Applications meeting Federal and/or State criteria for the program are approved. A County worker reviews submitted paperwork, interviews the applicant and then makes a determination regarding eligibility.
The graph to the right shows both the total number of applications received by HSA and how many of those were submitted as Expedited.
USDA My Plate, My Wins
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) My Plate, My Wins Campaign features real families making healthy choices. Learn more about real solutions for eating well that work in your everyday life by clicking here.
Client Comment
“The courteous and swift response to my immediate need. And taking the time to make sure I understood my benefits and realistic feasible options. Thank you for making a hard situation much more attainable and encouraging.”
(Source: Customer Satisfaction Survey)
CalFresh Client Story
Marla was one of the almost 1 in 5 older adults in California who face the threat of hunger in a year. Marla, 74 years old, found herself in poor health and worried about how hard it would be to get enough food if she lost her CalFresh benefits. Extra medical appointments and health complications kept her from getting to the office to renew her benefits in time.
Jess, the County worker assigned to her case, knew that without the food CalFresh benefits provide, Marla’s health would be more at risk. In time to continue her CalFresh benefits without interruption, Jess made special arrangements to meet with Marla outside the office to accommodate her medical needs.
Relieved, Marla explained that social security alone is not enough to pay for everything she needs – by the end of each month she depends on CalFresh to help her survive.
Learn more about food insecurity here: Let’s Get Healthy California