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Fresh Start Free Legal Clinics (English and Spanish)

On Wednesdays, July 24 and Oct. 16, from 4–7 p.m., the Ventura County Public Defender invites you to our 2024 Fresh Start Free Legal Clinics.

Expungement – An Expungement helps you clear your record and can assist you with better employment, housing, and education opportunities.

“Homeless Court”- offers an alternative option to perform community service hours eligible in lieu of paying fines/fees owed to the Court.

Please note, our offices can only assist with Ventura County cases. Dates and times are subject to change.

Clinics will be held at:
4601 Telephone Road, Suite 102
Ventura, California 93003

For more information, please visit vcpublicdefender.org or call 805-654-2201.



Clínicas Legales Gratuitas Fresh Start (español e inglés)

Los miércoles 24 de julio y 16 de octubre, de 4 a 7 p.m., el Defensor Público del Condado de Ventura lo invita a nuestras Clínicas Legales Gratuitas Fresh Start 2024.

Eliminación de antecedentes penales: una eliminación de antecedentes penales le ayuda a limpiar su expediente y puede ayudarle a conseguir mejores oportunidades de empleo, vivienda y educación.

“Tribunal para personas sin hogar”: ofrece una opción alternativa para realizar horas de servicio comunitario elegibles en lugar de pagar multas/honorarios adeudados al tribunal.

Tenga en cuenta que nuestras oficinas solo pueden ayudar con los casos del condado de Ventura. Las fechas y horarios están sujetos a cambios.

Las clínicas se llevarán a cabo en:
4601 Carretera Telefónica, Suite 102
Ventura, California 93003

Para obtener más información, visite vcpublicdefender.org o llame al 805-654-2201.

La Oficina de los Defensores Públicos del Condado de Ventura los invita a nuestras Clínicas Legales Gratuitas 2024 Nuevo Comienzo.

Ventura County Public Defender invites you to our 2024 Fresh Start Free Legal Clinics. On Wednesdays, Jan. 24, April 24, July 24 and Oct. 16, from 4–7 p.m., Clinics will be held at: GEO-RCC, 4601 Telephone Road, Suite 102, Ventura, California 93003.Offering: Expungements: An Expungement helps you clear your record and can assist you with better employment, housing, and education opportunities. Homeless Court: "Homeless Court" offers an alternative option to perform community service hours eligible in lieu of paying fines/fees owed to the Court. For more information, please visit vcpublicdefender.org or call 805-654-2201.
Ventura County Public Defender invites you to our 2024 Fresh Start Free Legal Clinics. On Wednesdays, Jan. 24, April 24, July 24 and Oct. 16, from 4–7 p.m., Clinics will be held at: GEO-RCC, 4601 Telephone Road, Suite 102, Ventura, California 93003.Offering: Expungements: An Expungement helps you clear your record and can assist you with better employment, housing, and education opportunities. Homeless Court: “Homeless Court” offers an alternative option to perform community service hours eligible in lieu of paying fines/fees owed to the Court. For more information, please visit vcpublicdefender.org or call 805-654-2201.


Ventura County Public Defender invites you to our 2024 Fresh Start Free Legal Clinics. On Wednesdays, Jan. 24, April 24, July 24 and Oct. 16, from 4–7 p.m., Clinics will be held at: GEO-RCC, 4601 Telephone Road, Suite 102, Ventura, California 93003.Offering: Expungements: An Expungement helps you clear your record and can assist you with better employment, housing, and education opportunities. Homeless Court: "Homeless Court" offers an alternative option to perform community service hours eligible in lieu of paying fines/fees owed to the Court. For more information, please visit vcpublicdefender.org or call 805-654-2201.
Ventura County Public Defender invites you to our 2024 Fresh Start Free Legal Clinics. On Wednesdays, Jan. 24, April 24, July 24 and Oct. 16, from 4–7 p.m., Clinics will be held at: GEO-RCC, 4601 Telephone Road, Suite 102, Ventura, California 93003.Offering: Expungements: An Expungement helps you clear your record and can assist you with better employment, housing, and education opportunities. Homeless Court: “Homeless Court” offers an alternative option to perform community service hours eligible in lieu of paying fines/fees owed to the Court. For more information, please visit vcpublicdefender.org or call 805-654-2201.

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