Child/Adult Abuse & Neglect Hotline: 805-654-3200
Frequently Asked Questions - After 18
What do emerging adults who want extended foster care need to do?
Once they turn 18, emerging adults will automatically be eligible for extended support by living in an approved placement and signing a mutual agreement. A caseworker will be assigned to assist emerging adults in developing their own case plan and help them meet program requirements. Those who do not wish to participate can leave the program and “opt-out.”
Can emerging adults leave their current placement at age 18?
Yes, they can either choose to remain in their current living setting or choose to live in another placement that is developed as part of their case plan.
What benefits do emerging adults receive?
Financial assistance for housing will be provided to them along with case management.
How often do emerging adults meet with their case worker?
They will have monthly meetings with their caseworker and will attend a hearing every six months to review progress on their individual case plan.
What other benefits do emerging adults receive that are not related to AB12?
- Free health care coverage through Medi-Cal up until the age of 26
- CalFresh (food assistance)
- Social Security if emerging adults qualify
- Financial Aid for emerging adults enrolled in college
Once youth “opt-out,” can they decide later on that they want to participate in the program?
Yes, they can leave the program at any time under what is called “trial independence” and come back at any time as long as they meet program eligibility requirements.
Can emerging adults who are parents participate?
Yes, emerging adults who are parents have the same rights in the program as others.