Child/Adult Abuse & Neglect Hotline: 805-654-3200
Employment - After 18
Job Training & Preparation
The America’s Job Centers of California (AJCCs) help youth access the resources needed to improve their skills and prepare for the right job. An example of the training programs accessible through the AJCs include certificate programs, entry level courses, basic computer skills, and degree programs to transfer to a four-year college.
Career Shops, held regularly at the America’s Job Centers, focus on job seeker support. More than ten monthly workshops cover essentials for employment success and include:
- Resumes & Interviewing
- Creating a Career Plan
- Online Job Searching
- Computer Skills
- Personal Finance
For additional information, visit venturacountyajcc.org
Employment & Vocational Programs for Youth and Adults – local resource listing compiled by the PATAY Employment Sub-Committee. PATAY (Progressing the Advancement for Transition Age Youth) is a voluntary association of like-minded professionals and concerned citizens dedicated to supporting the transitional age youth (TAY) population in Ventura County.
California Conservation Corps
The California Conservation Corps (CCC) is a state agency hiring young people, 18 to 25, for a year of natural resource work and emergency response that puts youth and the environment together to benefit both.
In addition to learning basic work skills, the CCC offers a Core Training Program throughout a corps member’s stay. The CCC also offers Specialized Training in job-specific areas that enhance a corps member’s learning opportunity and skill level. For more information, visit ccc.ca.gov/Pages/default.aspx
Online Resources
venturacountyajcc.org network is a free employment service offered online and provides the flexibility of finding career and employment opportunities from any location with Internet access. CalJOBS harnesses the power of technology to let users tap into thousands of local job listings, obtain access to career resources, and find labor market information.
VCNextGen.org is a helping hand for young people (ages 14-24) who might face challenges getting a good job or continuing their education. Imagine you want a steady job but maybe dropped out of high school or need help writing a resume or interviewing skills. Or perhaps you’d like to go to college but aren’t sure how to afford it. The WIOA program can help with all that and more.
The Workforce Development Board of Ventura County offers programs for youth that include vocational training, paid internships, and case management.
California Career Zone is a website that offers a new way to explore jobs, education, and career paths in the state of California
Pacific Clinics Transitional Age Youth (TAY) centers for individuals ages 16-25, are safe places for teens and young adults to obtain support and care. We are here to give TAY immediate help and empower them to take an active role in creating positive lifestyle changes. Our supportive and understanding environments help create steppingstones to independent living and happier, healthier lives. All services are free for those who qualify.