Adult Protective Services
Adult Protective Services is a state-mandated program that helps ensure the safety and well-being of elders and other adults with disabilities. Social workers investigate allegations of abuse and neglect, assess client needs, and provide short-term case management and a connection to other services.
About Adult Abuse
To make a report of suspected abuse or neglect, please report online at or call 805-654-3200. Reporting online satisfies the State requirement for mandated reporters to call in and mail/fax a report. Reports will be kept confidential and callers who are not mandated reporters may remain anonymous.
In Case of Emergency, call 911.
Adult Protective Services (APS) provides safety and protection for adults who are experiencing or are at risk of:
- Physical injury
- Sexual abuse
- Poor nutrition
- Dehydration
- Untreated medical conditions
- Misuse of medicines
- Abandonment or general neglect
Yet sometimes signs of abuse and neglect can be difficult to recognize and can continue unseen for years. It could also be a sudden attack from a trusted friend, family member or caregiver. Or sometimes an adult needs help because of self-neglect due to a decline in cognitive capacity.
If you witness or suspect abuse, please report online at or call the 24-hour hotline at 805-654-3200. Emotional and financial abuse may offer fewer visual clues, so these forms of abuse often are more difficult to identify. Emotional abuse may be carried out through threats that cause fear, anxiety or depression; isolation may take the form of denying phone calls, visitors, or mail. Financial abuse often involves misused funds, unauthorized account charges and real estate transactions or missing possessions.
What To Do About Suspected Abuse
Anyone who suspects another is being abused should report it. Additionally, anyone who has full or part-time custody or care of an elder or dependent adult is by law a mandated reporter and must immediately report suspected abuse or neglect. Other professionals required to report abuse include social workers, members of the clergy, health care practitioners, advocacy groups, fire department personnel, and staff at financial institutions.
Mandated Reporters
- Mandated Reporters and all other reporters, please report online at:
- Financial Institutions can report online at or use this form: SOC Form 342
- If online reporting cannot be done, reports may be emailed to or faxed to 805-650-1521.
More details about Adult Protective Services and tools for risk assessment are available here.
Useful Links
- Federal Trade Commission
- FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center
- Eldercare Locator
- Guide to Long Term Care in California
- Identity Theft Hotline
- National Center on Elder Abuse
- Medicare – Other Long Term Care Choices
- State Bar of California – What Should I Know About Elder Abuse
- Ventura County Area Agency on Aging
- Ombudsman of Ventura County
- Report a Complaint/Concern on Licensed Care Facilities
- LIVE Well
- Financial Protection Guide for Seniors, Senior Scam Alert español
- Adult Protective Services Tool for Risk, Intervention, & Outcomes (APS-TRIO)
- Mandated Reporter Training Flyer (with link to online training)
- APS Data