Pursuant to County Ordinance #4084, the Purchasing Agent is responsible for the disposal of County surplus property.
Surplus is handled in various ways: Reused within the County, recycled, sold as scrap, sold at auction, sold by advertised bid-style Sale Notice, and (newly introduced) Internet auction.
To view surplus warehouse inventory
You will need to register as an internal user of the Public Surplus system.
Please note:
It may appear as though you are bidding on an item – Make sure you are viewing only Ventura County items. Items displaying a key symbol are for internal distribution only.
- To request pickup of surplus property from your agency
- Procedure for Requesting a Surplus Pick Up
- IC-1 Form Request for Removal of Personal Property from Master Inventory
- IC-4 Missing Asset Form
- OS-1 Form Request for Property Transfer Request
- To view published Sale Notices
- To view items available to the general public