Government Affairs

Ventura County’s legislative program has as its goal the development and maintenance of good, sound, and effective local government. The purpose of the legislative program is to secure legislation that benefits the County and its residents while seeking to mitigate or oppose legislation that would adversely impact the County’s delivery of service; to secure State and Federal funding through the grant and/or appropriations process; and to shape public policy in priority areas that impact County government.
The State and Federal Legislative Agenda and Platform is adopted by the Board of Supervisors each year to provide a framework from which the legislative program will operate and a foundation for more effective advocacy on behalf of Ventura County. It contains principles that are basic to County government and can be used to shape State and Federal policies for the benefit of Ventura County.
The State and Federal Legislative Agenda and Platform provides specific parameters within which the Board, County Executive Officer, County agencies/departments, and the County’s legislative advocates may represent County positions on legislation when time is an issue and immediate communication on behalf of the County is necessary. Once adopted, it serves as a tool for focusing on and achieving the County’s legislative goals while providing a reference for evaluating pending legislation under consideration at the State and Federal level.
The Division serves as liaison to local advisory groups and statewide organizations – including the Ventura Council of Governments, Urban Counties of California, California State Association of Counties, and the National Association of Counties – on high impact policy issues and activities that promote the best interest of the County.
Grant Administration
The Government Affairs Division acts as the central point of contact and entity administrator for County Agencies and Departments, providing access to major granting portals in pursuit of grant dollars. The Division’s goal is to assist in increasing grant funding that supports programs to serve the residents of Ventura County. We work to improve identification, coordination, consistency, and excellence for both the application and administration of the County’s grant activities. In addition to internal coordination, the Division will also coordinate letters of support for County partners who apply for grant funding to support programs and services for residents.
As part of its grant administration profile, the County Executive Office is a lead member of the Watersheds Coalition of Ventura County (WCVC), a 60-plus member committee that develops and implements the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan. The WCVC is responsible for bringing water and water-related funding to Ventura County. This includes the administration of the Proposition 84 Integrated Regional Water Management Round 1 $17.5 million Implementation grant, Round 2 $18 million Implementation grant, Drought Round $8.4 million Implementation grant, and the $12.3 million Final Round Implementation grant.
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