Ventura County Government Center
Hall of Administration Building, Fourth Floor
800 S. Victoria Ave.
Ventura, CA 93009-1940

Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

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Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 

The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is committed to supporting efforts to develop, nurture, and sustain an equitable community and workforce where all individuals can thrive. We work to amplify the voices of under-represented communities or those who were historically excluded, by advocating for the removal of barriers that result in racial and social injustice and inequities. In partnership and collaboration with county agencies, we strive to ensure that equity, diversity, inclusion are embedded at all levels of Ventura County programs and departments through acknowledging, analyzing, and addressing the root causes of inequities. We commit to being transparent and will continually evaluate and update our strategies when identified goals and objectives are not being achieved or sustained. We, the Office of DEI, strive to create an inclusive environment where every community member feels like he/she/they belong.

The Ventura County Board of Supervisors (BOS) adopted a resolution on November 10, 2020, declaring racism a public health crisis. The resolution and its implementation reenforces the diversity, equity and inclusive work initiated by the County in 2017 and are integral to fostering and promoting a racial equity and justice-oriented organization in service to our community. The County chooses to lead with race and be direct about race but is not exclusively focused on race, in order to allow for a framework that also extends to additional equity issues, including sexual orientation, gender identity, and ability.

DEI Leadership Groups

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council 

Formed in 2017, DEI Council (formerly the DEI Taskforce) is building momentum to advance equity with agency representatives at all levels of the organization. The DEI Council meets monthly and provides recommendations to County leadership on policies, programs, and initiatives, while also serving as a link between all County of Ventura Agencies and the community.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Leadership Accountability Team

Formed in 2021, the DEI LAT sets overall direction and oversight for DEI efforts in collaboration with the DEI Council and the Office of DEI. This team consists of six directors and the DEI Officer serving as liaison to the CEO. Its role is to serve as the sponsor of DEI efforts & to hold leadership accountable for integrating DEI efforts throughout the County.

Public Safety Racial Equity Advisory Group (PSREAG)

Formed in 2021, PSREAG fosters communication and identifies public concerns related to policing. The committee membership is comprised of community group representatives and law enforcement representatives.

Healthcare Equity Advisory Council (HEAC)

Formed in 2021, HEAC brings together representatives of county agencies and the community to enhance DEI within our healthcare services.

DEI Momentum Milestones

  • 2015: The Board adopted a Health in All Policies framework to ensure County leaders and decision makers have the tools they need to view all decisions through a health equity lens when developing policies that impact population health outcomes.
  • 2017-2020: Developed and implemented a mandatory employee cultural competency training and Mentorship Program
  • 2018: Created a DEI Library on the County’s Intranet as a staff resource
  • 2020: Hosted public and employee forums regarding race and law enforcement
  • 2020: Adopted a Board Resolution declaring racism as a public health crisis
  • 2020: Transitioned the DEI Task Force to an ongoing DEI Council in which all agencies and departments are represented
  • 2020: Recruited & hired a Diversity Equity and Inclusion Officer
  • 2021: Launched Talking Together in Challenging Times racial equity dialogues for county staff to begin normalizing conversations about race in the workplace
  • 2021: Formalized a Diversity Calendar of Events and Celebrations for the County of Ventura
  • 2021: Expansion of the DEI Office Staffing
  • 2022: Launched the Healthcare Equity Advisory Council and the Public Safety Racial Equity Advisory Group
  • 2022: Launch of the DEI Learning Series for Staff Members
  • 2023: Launched the new Youth Equity Initiative and added two new positions focused on building capacity and connecting youth serving organizations, and centering youth voices in decision making spaces
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Contact Information

Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
800 South Victoria #1940
Hall of Administration 4th Floor
Ventura, CA 93009

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