Community Development
The County of Ventura Community Development Division is dedicated to serving the diverse needs of Ventura County residents, primarily those with lower incomes, through partnerships with non-profit and government organizations to meet the unmet needs for affordable and supportive housing, community development programs, social service programs and economic development opportunities.
Community Development achieves this through a variety of projects and programs:
- Grant administration of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programs – Community Development Block Development (CDBG) grants, HOME Investment Partnerships Program, and Emergency Solutions Grants
- Management of the HUD Ventura County Continuum of Care Grant Program
- Administration of grant funding – federal, state, local and temporary funding sources
- Special Projects and Initiatives – farmworker housing, disaster recovery, Project Roomkey, Piru Redevelopment Area
County of Ventura Homekey +
The County of Ventura is pleased to release the following Requests for Qualifications and Projects from qualified partners interested in collaborating with the County to apply for State of California Homekey + program funds to acquire, develop, and own/manage one or more properties to provide permanent housing for individuals with mental health or substance use disorders who are at-risk of, or experiencing, homelessness. Funding set-asides under the Homekey + program focused on providing permanent housing for veterans and youth are included as part of the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development’s Homekey + Notice of Funding Availability.
As Homekey + is generally an over-the-counter process, time is of the essence in responding to HCD’s Homekey + NOFA. Responses to the RFQs are du no later than February 25th at 11:59 p.m. Responses to the RFP is open on a rolling deadline for eligible projects.
The County of Ventura is pleased to request Project Proposals from qualified partners interested in collaborating with the County to apply for State of California Homekey + program funds to acquire, develop, and own/manage one or more properties to provide permanent housing for individuals with mental health or substance use disorders who are at-risk of, or experiencing, homelessness. Funding set-asides under the Homekey + program focused on providing permanent housing for veterans and youth are included as part of the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development’s Homekey + Notice of Funding Availability.
As Homekey + is generally an over-the-counter process, time is of the essence in responding to HCD’s Homekey + NOFA. All complete submissions received by the January 14th deadline will be evaluated competitively against one another by the County. However, if complete submissions that would likely meet HCD’s scoring threshold for award and County priorities are received in advance of the County’s January 14th deadline, the County reserves the right to evaluate and select Projects in advance of the deadline. Proposals received after January 14th may be reviewed and selected, at the County’s discretion.
News, Events and Special Notices
Ventura Urban County
Notice of Public Hearing & Review
Draft Consolidated Plan & Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing
Program Description: Notice is hereby given that the Ventura Urban County has prepared the Draft 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan and Draft 2025 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI) in accordance with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements to prepare and submit a Consolidated Plan every five years and an AI every five years as a condition of receiving annual allocations of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) programs funds.
The Consolidated Plan establishes the priority housing, community and economic development needs of the County and provides a strategy for the types of projects that will receive CDBG and HOME funds during the five-year period to address specific goals related to the provision of decent housing, a suitable living environment and expanded economic opportunity for low- and moderate-income residents.
The AI analyzes the extent that individuals of similar income levels in the same housing market have like ranges of choice available to them regardless of protected class status.
30 Day Public Review Period: Copies of these draft documents will be available to the public for review and comment for 30 days. Individuals wishing to express their views concerning the above-referenced documents and proposed activities may provide written comments to the County on or before 4:00 p.m. on April 21, 2025 by emailing those comments to
DATE: March 21, 2025 to April 21, 2025
HARD COPY: Upon Request
Ventura Urban County, Deputy Executive Officer, County Executive Office, 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura, CA 93009
Public Hearing: You are invited to attend a public hearing to be held by the County Board of Supervisors to provide public comments regarding housing and community development needs, priority non-housing community development needs, strategies for affirmatively furthering fair housing, goals outlined in the Consolidated Plan and program performance. The public hearing will take place as follows:
DATE: April 8, 2025
TIME: 1:00 PM
LOCATION: County Government Center, Board of Supervisors Hearing Room
800 S. Victoria Avenue Ventura, CA 93009
ADA: It is the intention of the County to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in all respects. If, as an attendee or participant at this meeting, you need special assistance beyond what is normally provided, the County will attempt to accommodate you in every reasonable manner. Please contact the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, 800 South Victoria Avenue, Loc. #1920, Ventura, CA 93009, e-mailing, or by calling (805) 654-2251 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to inform us of your needs and to determine if accommodation is feasible.
LAP: Spanish:
Si necesita más información sobre este aviso o la traducción de documentos en español, comuníquese con
County Contact: Questions and written comments may be addressed to Kimberlee Albers, at Ventura Urban County, Deputy Executive Officer, County Executive Office, 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura, CA 93009
County Clerk: or (805) 654-2251
Affordable Housing in Ventura County
The County of Ventura has recently received historic investments in federal, state and local funding to be used towards the development of affordable housing. To learn more about the funds and projects that are in development, in construction, or completed, a comprehensive guide may be found here.
Contact Us
For general inquiries or questions, please email
Please contact the following staff regarding these programs:

Deputy Executive Officer, Homeless Solutions Director
Kimberlee Albers | 805.654.2455 |
Homeless Grants Management: ESG and Continuum of Care
Jennifer Harkey | 805.658.4342 |
Housing Solutions Director
Tracy McAulay | 805.232.1371 |
CDBG, Piru RDA Successor Agency, and County Housing Successor Agency
Mary Ann Guariento | 805.654.2852 |
Notice of Public Hearing
May 14, 2024, 10:30 A.M.
The County of Ventura plans to conduct its third public hearing for the draft FY 2024-25 Annual Action Plan. The purpose of this public hearing is to receive comments and seek the Board of Supervisors approval before transmitting the Annual Action Plan to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
A draft of the 2024-25 Annual Action Plan is available on the County Executive Office’s website located at
Additional information may be found in the attached public notices:
Redevelopment Agency
NOTE: As a convenience to our visitors, this page may contain links to external websites that are not managed or controlled by the County of Ventura.