Ventura County Government Center
Hall of Administration Building, Fourth Floor
800 S. Victoria Ave.
Ventura, CA 93009-1940


Assessment Appeals


""An “Assessment Appeal Application” is a formal challenge of a property’s assessed value established by the Assessor’s Office. By filing an Assessment Appeal Application, you are disagreeing with the Assessor’s assessed value and are requesting a hearing before either an Assessment Appeals Board or Hearing Officer. Please be prepared to submit information supporting   your opinion if requested by the Assessor’s Office and at the appeal hearing proving the Assessor’s Office value is incorrect. The Assessment Appeals Board or Hearing Officer will only consider relevant evidence that is presented at the appeal hearing, which is an open public meeting. To assist you in understanding the appeal process and prepare for an appeal hearing, it is strongly recommended you review the Resources and Literature section, below.

Additionally, it is important to know an Assessment Appeals Board or Hearing Officer can decrease as well as increase or sustain (not change) an assessment based on the evidence presented at the appeal hearing.

Important Information

New Property Identification Numbers

The Assessor has changed how they identify certain properties on the Assessment Roll. Please ensure you reference the proper new identification numbers when filing an Assessment Appeal Application or when contacting County Offices with questions. Click here to read more.

Electronic Assessment Appeal Application Filing is available at

Video: creating your online account
Video: Step-by-Step Instructions for Completing an Assessment Appeal Application

The filing period to submit an
Assessment Appeal Application,

for the January 1, 2024 Regular Assessment is

Tuesday, July 2, 2024 through Monday, September 16, 2024

** For Supplemental, Escape, and Roll Change Assessments, see below for filing deadlines. **

Without an appeal, you may still resolve your Assessment issues and questions Independent of the Assessment Appeal process. If you disagree with the property’s assessed value you have the right to contact the Assessor’s Office directly at (805) 654-2181 and request an Informal Assessment Review. An Informal Review is not a formal appeal and does not require action by the Assessor if they do not agree with your position. An Informal Review is not a formal appeal and does not extend the deadline to file a formal Assessment Appeal Application. To file a request for informal review with the Assessor, please click here to be redirected to their website.

Electronic Assessment Appeal Application Filing is available at

Video: creating your online account
Video: Step-by-Step Instructions for Completing an Assessment Appeal Application

The Deadline to submit an
Assessment Appeal Application,
for the January 1, 2024 Regular Assessment is

Monday, September 16, 2024

Electronically filed applications must be submitted using the electronic filing system by 11:59 p.m. on September 16, 2024 to be considered timely filed.
Applications being sent by mail must have a U.S. Postal Service Post-Mark date of September 16, 2024 or earlier.

Applications being delivered in person must be received before 5:00 p.m.
Applications CAN NOT be submitted by E-Mail or Fax.

** For Supplemental, Escape, and Roll Change Assessments, see below for filing deadlines. **

Without an appeal, you may still resolve your Assessment issues and questions Independent of the Assessment Appeal process. If you disagree with the property’s assessed value you have the right to contact the Assessor’s Office directly at (805) 654-2181 and request an Informal Assessment Review. An Informal Review is not a formal appeal and does not require action by the Assessor if they do not agree with your position. An Informal Review is not a formal appeal and does not extend the deadline to file a formal Assessment Appeal Application. To file a request for informal review with the Assessor, please click here to be redirected to their website.

Electronic Assessment Appeal Application Filing is available at

Video: creating your online account
Video: Step-by-Step Instructions for Completing an Assessment Appeal Application

The filing period to submit an
Assessment Appeal Application,
for the January 1, 2024 Regular Assessment has closed.

Monday, September 16, 2024 was the deadline.

** For Supplemental, Escape, and Roll Change Assessments, see below for filing deadlines. **

Without an appeal, you may still resolve your Assessment issues and questions Independent of the Assessment Appeal process. If you disagree with the property’s assessed value you have the right to contact the Assessor’s Office directly at (805) 654-2181 and request an Informal Assessment Review. An Informal Review is not a formal appeal and does not require action by the Assessor if they do not agree with your position. An Informal Review is not a formal appeal and does not extend the deadline to file a formal Assessment Appeal Application. To file a request for informal review with the Assessor, please click here to be redirected to their website.

Seeking New Assessment Appeals Board Members

The County of Ventura is accepting applications to fill a Board Member vacancy on its Assessment Appeals Board. Individuals with commercial property experience are highly desired. Board members currently serve an average of 8 times per year and spend between 2 to 8 hours per hearing reviewing appeals. Meeting are held in the city of Ventura, CA. Applications must be submitted by August 30, 2024. For more information and to apply please click here:

Deadlines for Filing an Application Appealing an Assessment

Below are the different types of Assessments, Notices, or Bills you may receive.
Select the applicable Assessment type to view the deadline to appeal. The Assessment type should be indicated in the title of the Notice/Letter received from the Assessor’s Office.

Regular Assessment (Assessed Value as of January 1, 2024):
An Assessment Appeal Application must be submitted starting July 2, 2024 through September 16, 2024. Assessment Appeal Applications mailed on September 16, 2024 must be postmarked that day to be considered as timely submitted. Applications filed electronically at are considered timely filed until 11:59 p.m. on September 16, 2024.

The Regular Assessment is the property value calculated Annually as of January 1, and shown on the Notice of Assessment issued to you by the Assessor before August 1 of each year, and then shown on the Annual Tax Bill issued in October.

It may be easier to complete your Assessment Appeal Application after you receive the annual notice from the Assessor, but you are not prohibited from appealing the Regular Assessment so long as the Regular Filing period is open. If you do not receive a notice of Assessment by August 1, you should call the Assessor at (805) 654-2181 to verify your mailing address, find out what your Assessed value is, and Request a copy of the Assessment Notice if necessary.

Supplemental Assessment, Assessment Roll Change, and Escaped Assessment:
An Assessment Appeal Application must be submitted within 60 days of the date the notice was mailed by the Assessor’s Office, which is printed on the notice of assessment, or the envelopes postmark, whichever date is later. Applications filed electronically at are considered timely filed if submitted electronically by 11:59 p.m. on the day of the filing deadline.

These notices are typically titled Notice of Supplemental AssessmentNotice of Enrollment of Escape AssessmentAssessment Roll Correction, or Assessment Roll Change.

Please note, an Assessment Roll Change or an Assessment Roll Correction that is a reduction may not be eligible for appeal.

Calamity Reassessment:
An Assessment Appeal Application must be submitted or postmarked within 6 months of the date the notice was mailed by the Assessor’s Office, which is printed on the notice of assessment. Applications filed electronically at are considered timely filed if submitted electronically by 11:59 p.m. on the day of the filing deadline.

Calamity Reassessments are issued after major natural disaster destruction to a property, such as a Wildfire, Flood, or Earthquake. Only after the Assessor issues a new value or denial to reassess due to a qualifying catastrophic event, then you can appeal within 6 months of the notice of reassessment.

The California State Board of Equalization has extensive information on their Disaster Relief website.

Base Value / Base Year
The Base Value of a property is the value that establishes the maximum taxable value as regulated by Proposition 13, and increased annually by an amount not to exceed 2%, as determined by the California State Board of Equalization. A Base Value change is tied to a specific date, is permanent, and has a limited window to file a formal appeal. Below are some examples of a Base Value change.

Appeal of a Base Value
The notice of a Base Value change is called a Notice of Supplemental Assessment, received from the Assessor’s Office. The time limit to appeal is 60 days from the date printed on this notice. If you disagree with a Base Value, appealing within the 60 days of the Notice of Supplemental Assessment is the ideal situation for maximum possible tax relief.

If the 60 day deadline to appeal is missed, there is a second chance to file an appeal. A Base Value change can be appealed during the Regular Filing period of the following 4 years after the Assessment is enrolled by the Assessor. See the tab on Regular assessment for the Regular Filing Period dates. This is not ideal, as any potential tax relief would only apply beginning in the year the application was filed, and not go back to prior years. This is known as a Prospective Base Value Appeal. As any tax relief would only apply beginning with the year the application is filed, you should file as early as possible within the 4 year window. After 4 years has passed, a Base Value can no longer be appealed.

Why was a new Base Value Established?

Change of Ownership Reassessment
When an event occurs that results in partial or full change in control of a property, the Assessor may issue a reassessment typically effective as of the date of a document being recording or the date of a death. The Assessor determines a new market value of the property as of this date. If there was a 100% change of ownership, a full market value will be Enrolled by the Assessor. If there was a partial change of ownership, the Assessor will Enroll a blended value, combining the old Base Value and the new Base Value.

You can appeal the Assessor’s determination that the property changed ownership, if you believe the property should not have been reassessed due to qualifying exclusion. This is done on the Assessment Appeal Application in section 6, by marking Box B-1.

You can appeal the Assessor’s Value determination as well, if the value they enrolled is not what you believe to be a fair market value as of the event date. This is done on the Assessment Appeal Application in section 6, by marking Box B-2. Please note, if the Assessor Enrolled your full purchase price as a Base Value, this is typically considered correct and very difficult to challenge. Please review California State Board of Equalization’s Property Tax Rule 2 for more information on how value as of a purchase date is determined.

New Construction Reassessment
When construction is completed on a property, this is an event that qualifies for a permanent increase in the Base Value. The Assessor typically adds the full market cost of construction to the Assessed value, and establishes the new Base Value. The event date is typically tied to the date construction is completed. This can be appealed on the Assessment Appeal Application in section 6, by marking a selection under “C”.

Deadlines can not be extended. If you are uncertain of the applicable deadline, please call the Clerk of the Board to confirm at (805) 654-2251.

Do not wait to receive a Tax Bill to appeal, it may be too late by the time a Tax Bill is issued.

Your Deadline to appeal may also be noted on the back of the notice received.

Applications are generally resolved in the order received, so it is in your best interest to file as early as possible, within the applicable time period.

*Please NoteIf the final filing date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday, an application that is mailed and postmarked on the next business day shall be deemed to have been filed timely.

What do I need to fill out an application?

Before beginning to fill out your application, or before calling or coming in to the Clerk of the Board’s Office for assistance, you should gather the documents needed to complete the application, and read the application instructions. Click to read more on what to do in preparation to complete an application.

Click to read more
  1. Have on hand the “Notification of Assessment” or “Supplemental/Escape/Roll Change Notice” sent to you by the Assessor’s Office  . This will contain the property’s Assessor’s Parcel Number and the Assessor’s Taxable Value information (Value on Roll) requested on an Assessment Appeal Application. If you did not receive a notice from the Assessor’s Office, please call the Assessor’s Office directly at (805) 654-2181 and request the necessary information. The Clerk of the Board does not have access to this information.
  2. If you do not understand your Assessment, contact the Assessor’s Office for more information, by visiting their website, or calling (805) 654-2181.
  3. Review the Filing Your Assessment Appeal publication by the Clerk of the Board.
  4. If you need further clarification on certain information being requested, please contact the Clerk of the Board. We will gladly assist you.
  5. You DO NOT need to gather or submit evidence with your application. Any attempt to submit evidence with an application will result in it being returned to you. However, evidence such as appraisals, property comparables, flyers advertising homes for sale, photos, letters, etc. will be requested from you by the Assessor’s Office AFTER the application is filed. Once the Assessor requests your evidence, you will send it directly to the Assessor’s Office.
  6. While you will not be submitting your evidence with your application, you should still do research to ensure you can substantiate your opinion of property value, and be prepared to submit that evidence as soon as the Assessor’s Office makes a request for it.
  7. Before submitting to the Clerk of the Board, ensure the Assessment Appeal Application is complete, fully executed and a filing status is selected prior to submittal to the Clerk of the Board. If you do not use our Online Assessment Appeal System and instead choose to submit a paper application, an original/wet signature is required on the paper application. DO NOT submit applications by e-mail or fax.
  8. Submit the Assessment Appeal Application by the required filing deadline indicated above.

  1. Have on hand the “Notification of Assessment” or “Supplemental/Escape/Roll Change Notice” sent to you by the Assessor’s Office  . This will contain the property’s Assessor’s Parcel Number and the Assessor’s Taxable Value information (Value on Roll) requested on an Assessment Appeal Application. If you did not receive a notice from the Assessor’s Office, please call the Assessor’s Office directly at (805) 654-2181 and request the necessary information. The Clerk of the Board does not have access to this information.
  2. If you do not understand your Assessment, contact the Assessor’s Office for more information, by visiting their website, or calling (805) 654-2181.
  3. Review the Filing Your Assessment Appeal publication by the Clerk of the Board.
  4. If you need further clarification on certain information being requested, please contact the Clerk of the Board. We will gladly assist you.
  5. You DO NOT need to gather or submit evidence with your application. Any attempt to submit evidence with an application will result in it being returned to you. However, evidence such as appraisals, property comparables, flyers advertising homes for sale, photos, letters, etc. will be requested from you by the Assessor’s Office AFTER the application is filed. Once the Assessor requests your evidence, you will send it directly to the Assessor’s Office.
  6. While you will not be submitting your evidence with your application, you should still do research to ensure you can substantiate your opinion of property value, and be prepared to submit that evidence as soon as the Assessor’s Office makes a request for it.
  7. Before submitting to the Clerk of the Board, ensure the Assessment Appeal Application is complete, fully executed and a filing status is selected prior to submittal to the Clerk of the Board. If you do not use our Online Assessment Appeal System and instead choose to submit a paper application, an original/wet signature is required on the paper application. DO NOT submit applications by e-mail or fax.
  8. Submit the Assessment Appeal Application by the required filing deadline indicated above.

File an Assessment Appeal Application

The Assessment Appeal Application form is required to be submitted to begin the formal appeal process. There are several ways to obtain and submit an Assessment Appeal Application form. Assistance is available from the Clerk of the Board if you need help completing your application.

The Assessment Appeal Application is a California State-Wide used form, mandated by the California State Board of Equalization, with limited modifications based on each County’s needs. The Application may contain fields not applicable in Ventura County. You may not use another County’s form to Appeal in Ventura County. 

Click to read more on obtaining the application, and where to submit it.

Click to read more

Complete an Application Online and Electronically Submit:

Visit to access the Online Assessment Appeal submission system. You can fully complete and submit your Assessment Appeal Application using your Computer or Smart device, with no need to print or mail in documents. This is the most efficient way to submit your application.  Electronic application submissions are only accepted using the Online Assessment Appeal system. Applications are never accepted via Email or Fax. Applications filed electronically at are considered timely filed if submitted electronically by 11:59 p.m. on the day of the filing deadline.

First-time users can watch a brief video on creating their account here:
A Step-by-Step Instructional Video for Completing your Assessment Appeal Application is available here: 

Complete a Paper Application to Mail in or Deliver:

If unable to use the Online Assessment Appeal systemClick here to download a fillable PDF of the ASSESSMENT APPEAL APPLICATION

Application instructions are on pages 3-4.

Paper applications completed using this form must either be sent in by U.S. Mail or submitted in person at the Clerk of the Board’s Office. Applications submitted on a paper application form must be mailed with a post-marked by the day of the filing deadline or personally delivered to the Clerk of the Board’s Office before 5:00 p.m. on the day of the filing deadline.

It is not acceptable to submit a PDF of the application by Fax or E-Mail. As Paper applications require Original Signatures, any application received by Fax or E-Mail will be denied.

Have a Paper Application form Mailed to you:

Please call the Clerk of the Board’s Paper Application Request Line at (805) 645-1307 or send an E-Mail to to request for a paper application be mailed to you.  Blank paper applications are mailed out daily, Monday through Friday. Clearly provide us your Name and Mailing address.

Visit our Office:

We have computers for use to electronically file your Assessment Appeal Application Online and we have Printed Paper Applications and Printed literature available for pick-up Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Except Holidays, at the Ventura County Government Center, Clerk of the Board’s Office. We are located on the 4th Floor of the Administration building at 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93009. Our staff will gladly provide you with the necessary forms, and answer any questions you have. If you plan to complete your application during your visit, please remember to bring your Notice of Assessment for reference. Applications filed in person must be delivered no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the filing deadline.

Complete an Application Online and Electronically Submit:

Visit to access the Online Assessment Appeal submission system. You can fully complete and submit your Assessment Appeal Application using your Computer or Smart device, with no need to print or mail in documents. This is the most efficient way to submit your application.  Electronic application submissions are only accepted using the Online Assessment Appeal system. Applications are never accepted via Email or Fax. Applications filed electronically at are considered timely filed if submitted electronically by 11:59 p.m. on the day of the filing deadline.

First-time users can watch a brief video on creating their account here:
A Step-by-Step Instructional Video for Completing your Assessment Appeal Application is available here: 

Complete a Paper Application to Mail in or Deliver:

If unable to use the Online Assessment Appeal systemClick here to download a fillable PDF of the ASSESSMENT APPEAL APPLICATION

Application instructions are on pages 3-4.

Paper applications completed using this form must either be sent in by U.S. Mail or submitted in person at the Clerk of the Board’s Office. Applications submitted on a paper application form must be mailed with a post-marke by the day of the filing deadline or personally delivered to the Clerk of the Board’s Office before 5:00 p.m. on the day of the filing deadline.

It is not acceptable to submit a PDF of the application by Fax or E-Mail. As Paper applications require Original Signatures, any application received by Fax or E-Mail will be denied.

Have a Paper Application form Mailed to you:

Please call the Clerk of the Board’s Paper Application Request Line at (805) 645-1307 or send an E-Mail to to request for a paper application be mailed to you.  Blank paper applications are mailed out daily, Monday through Friday. Clearly provide us your Name and Mailing address.

Visit our Office:

We have computers for use to electronically file your Assessment Appeal Application Online and we have Printed Paper Applications and Printed literature available for pick-up Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Except Holidays, at the Ventura County Government Center, Clerk of the Board’s Office. We are located on the 4th Floor of the Administration building at 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93009. Our staff will gladly provide you with the necessary forms, and answer any questions you have. If you plan to complete your application during your visit, please remember to bring your Notice of Assessment for reference. Applications filed in person must be delivered no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the filing deadline.

Professional Tax Agent Requirements

An Application may be filed by a person holding title to the property being appealed, or such person’s Spouse, Parent, or Child. Any other person filing the appeal on your behalf, or representing you in the Assessment Appeal Process is referred to as the Applicant’s Authorized Representative or Agent. There are numerous private companies that will act as your Agent, usually for a fee. Such Agents are considered Professional Tax Agents. 

Authorizing a professional tax agent to represent an applicant with an Assessment Appeal is optional and not required to file an appeal. You can also Remove or Change your Representative at any time prior to a Hearing being held.

Regulations applicable to Professional Tax Agents are strictly applied in Ventura County. If you are a Professional Tax Agent, or an Applicant who will be appointing an Agent, click to read more on the requirements that must be met.

Click to read more

In addition to completing an Assessment Appeal Application and filing it within the appropriate filing period as stated above: 

The Professional Tax Agents authorization in section 2 of the Assessment Appeal Application must be completely filled and contain an original signature at the time the application is submitted to the Clerk of the Board. DO NOT SUBMIT A COPY.


An attached agent authorization meeting all requirements stated on the State of California, Board of Equalization’s Property Tax Rule 305 must be submitted with the Assessment Appeal Application at the time the application is submitted to the Clerk of the Board.

Business and Professions Code 17537.9 requires Professional Tax Agents authorized to represent an applicant to keep an originally-signed copy of all authorizations on file for 3 years. If authorizations look questionable, the Assessment Appeals Board or Hearing Officer may request the original Agent Authorization on file with the agent be provided at the Assessment Hearing.

AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT OR DESIGNATION OF ATTORNEY FORM  – For your convenience, the County of Ventura has an Agent Authorization form that can be used by Professional Tax Agents to file an Assessment Appeal. When fully completed, this form meets all requirements of the law.

REVOCATION OR SUBSTITUTION OF AGENT FORM  – Use this from to Remove or Change the Representative assigned to your Application. If the new Representative is employed by the same company as the one that was originally appointed, this form is not necessary.

Failure to meet all agent authorization requirements
will result in the application being deemed invalid.

In addition to completing an Assessment Appeal Application and filing it within the appropriate filing period as stated above: 

The Professional Tax Agents authorization in section 2 of the Assessment Appeal Application must be completely filled and contain an original signature at the time the application is submitted to the Clerk of the Board. DO NOT SUBMIT A COPY.


An attached agent authorization meeting all requirements stated on the State of California, Board of Equalization’s Property Tax Rule 305 must be submitted with the Assessment Appeal Application at the time the application is submitted to the Clerk of the Board.

Business and Professions Code 17537.9 requires Professional Tax Agents authorized to represent an applicant to keep an originally-signed copy of all authorizations on file for 3 years. If authorizations look questionable, the Assessment Appeals Board or Hearing Officer may request the original Agent Authorization on file with the agent be provided at the Assessment Hearing.

AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT OR DESIGNATION OF ATTORNEY FORM  – For your convenience, the County of Ventura has an Agent Authorization form that can be used by Professional Tax Agents to file an Assessment Appeal. When fully completed, this form meets all requirements of the law.

REVOCATION OR SUBSTITUTION OF AGENT FORM  – Use this from to Remove or Change the Representative assigned to your Application. If the new Representative is employed by the same company as the one that was originally appointed, this form is not necessary.

Failure to meet all agent authorization requirements
will result in the application being deemed invalid.

Resources, Literature, and Forms for Assessment Appeals

These Reading Materials, Videos, and Legal Codes will assist you in navigating the Assessment Appeal Process…

Online Assessment Appeal Application System
Use this system to electronically file a formal appeal of an assessment. 

PDF Assessment Appeal Application for Paper Submission
Use this form to file a formal appeal of an assessment if you are unable to electronically file online.

Online Withdrawal of Assessment Appeal – Paperless
Use this system to electronically withdrawal a previously filed appeal, if you no longer wish to move forward with your assessment challenge.
Instructions Website
Online Portal

Withdrawal of Assessment Appeal
Use this form to cancel your appeal if you no longer wish to move forward with your assessment challenge, and are unable to use the online system. Read more by clicking here.

Authorization of Agent or Designation of an Attorney
Use this form when a 3rd party representative will be filing an Assessment Appeal Application on your behalf.

Revocation or Substitution of an Agent or an Attorney
Use this form to Remove a previously assigned Representative, to Change your assigned representative, or to Add a Representative on an application that was filed without a representative.

Affidavit of Late Notice
After speaking with the Clerk of the Board, use this form if instructed to by the Clerk, to file if you did not timely receive a notice of Assessment.

Hearing date confirmation notice
This form is sent with your initial Notice of Hearing and is used to confirm attendance or reschedule. If you have lost the form originally sent to you, use this blank form, or request a new form by E-Mailing

Online Waiver to Extend the Two-Year Period - Paperless
Use this system to electronically submit a waiver of the 2-year appeal resolution period. Applications must be resolved within 2-Years after filing with the Clerk of the Board, per California Law. If you will be requesting an extension of your hearing and it is near the two-year time limit to resolve your appeal, execution and submission of this waiver will be required.
Online Portal

Waiver to Extend the Two-Year Period
Applications must be resolved within 2-Years after filing with the Clerk of the Board, per California Law. If you will be requesting an extension of your hearing and it is near the two-year time limit to resolve your appeal, execution and submission of this waiver will be required. Use this PDF form if you are unable to use the online system.

Assessment Appeals Meeting Archives

Watch Assessment Appeals Board Meetings Live and Access Meeting Agendas

Attendance at Hearing: Hybrid In-Person / Remote Attendance Information and Procedures

Currently you have the option to attend your Assessment Appeal Hearing either in-person or remote via zoom or telephone. In-person attendance is strongly encouraged for cases where a full case-in-chief will be presented to the Board or Hearing Officer. Remote attendance should be used only when requesting continuance of the hearing to a later date or for approval of administrative matters.

Click each section below to read more about hybrid hearing attendance in Ventura County.

Remote Attendance by zoom or telephone is available if you intend to request a continuance (rescheduling) of the hearing. You may also attend remotely for administrative matters, including requesting amendment of an application or discussing a continuance request by the Assessor’s Office.

In-Person Attendance at the hearing room is required for presenting your case arguments, evidence, and final presentation, with limited exceptions.

Requests to remotely present your case will be considered by the Board on a case-by-case basis, and may include but are not limited to reasons such as transportation, childcare, and work restrictions. Requests to present your case remotely should only be made if in-person attendance will not be possible or will create hardship. The Assessor’s Office and the Board have the right to require an in-person hearing if they so desire.

In order to request to present your case remotely, you will need to attend the currently scheduled hearing remotely, request a continuance (reschedule) from the Board, and indicate that you would like to present your case remotely, while also giving specific reasons for why you are unable to attend in-person.

If you are uncertain the pending action on your case is administrative, and therefore acceptable to attend remotely, or if the pending action requires in-person attendance, please contact the Clerk of the Board for verification.

Click each section below to read more about remote hearing attendance in Ventura County.

Remote Attendance by zoom or telephone is available one-time only, if you intend to request a continuance (rescheduling) of the hearing. You may also attend remotely for administrative matters, including requesting amendment of an application or discussing a continuance request by the Assessor’s Office. After your first remote attendance requesting a continuance, you must attend all future scheduled hearings in-person. Exceptions allowing for future remote attendance may be made with advanced approval of the Board OR when the Assessor has indicated that the Assessor will be making a request for continuance of the hearing to a later date.

The one-time remote attendance restriction applies to requests made after July 1, 2024. If you attended remotely 1 or more times prior to July 1, 2024, it does not count toward your one-time limit for remote attendance. If you are uncertain if you qualify for remote attendance, contact the Clerk of the Board for verification.

In-Person Attendance at the hearing room is required for presenting your case arguments, evidence, and final presentation, and for requesting subsequent continuances of the hearing after using your 1-time remote appearance, with limited exceptions.

Requests to remotely present your case will be considered by the Board on a case-by-case basis, and may include but are not limited to reasons such as transportation, childcare, and work restrictions. Requests to present your case remotely should only be made if in-person attendance will not be possible or will create hardship. The Assessor’s Office and the Board have the right to require an in-person hearing if they so desire.

For planning purposes, you should assume that you will be required to attend the hearing in person.

In order to request to present your case remotely, you will need to attend the currently scheduled hearing remotely, request a continuance (reschedule) from the Board, and indicate that you would like to present your case remotely, while also giving specific reasons for why you are unable to attend in-person.

If you are uncertain the pending action on your case is administrative, and therefore acceptable to attend remotely, or if the pending action requires in-person attendance, please contact the Clerk of the Board for verification.

Click each section below to read more about remote hearing attendance in Ventura County.

Before your hearing:

A majority of Assessment Appeal Applications are resolved without a formal hearing, by the Applicant and Assessor’s Office working together in advance of the hearing. Please review the “Preparing for your Hearing” Brochure, as well as any request for information letters you receive from the Assessor’s Office, which could help resolve issues and resolve the appeal well in advance of the scheduled hearing.

The Assessor’s Office can be reached by E-Mailing or by calling (805) 654-2181 and asking to speak with the Appeals Division. It is important to note, the Assessment Appeals Board and Clerk of the Board are an independent agency, not part of the County Assessor’s Office.

Requesting a Remote hearing:

In-Person Attendance at the hearing room is required for presenting your case arguments, evidence, and final presentation, and for requesting subsequent continuances of the hearing after using your 1-time remote appearance, with limited exceptions.

Requests to remotely present your case will be considered by the Board on a case-by-case basis, and may include but are not limited to reasons such as transportation, childcare, and work restrictions. Requests to present your case remotely should only be made if in-person attendance will not be possible or will create hardship.

The Assessor’s Office and the Board have the right to require an in-person hearing if they so desire. Pursuant to California State Board of Equalization’s Letter to Assessor No. 2022/007, participants may reject a remote hearing. Therefore, if you request a remote hearing and the Assessor or Board/Hearing Officer does not agree, your hearing must then be held with in-person attendance only.

In order to request to present your case remotely, you will need to attend the currently scheduled hearing remotely, request a continuance (reschedule) from the Board, and indicate that you would like to present your case remotely, while also giving specific reasons for why you are unable to attend in-person.

Remote Attendance: Credentials for participating:

Instructions on how to participate in the meeting remotely will be provided to you by E-Mail and US Mail at least 2 weeks prior to your scheduled hearing.

If you do not receive the zoom meeting ID, it will also be posted on the Agenda for the meeting in question, which will be available on our website the Friday prior to the meeting. To view upcoming meeting agendas, click here.

You have the option to participate using zoom on your computer or smart device, or by telephone dial-in. Participating with a computer is preferred, if unable to attend in person.
You also have the option to attend in-person at the location provided in your notice of hearing.

Remote Attendance: Before your hearing (complete the week before your scheduled hearing):

Download and Test Zoom:  

Several days before the scheduled hearing you should download and test Zoom on your Computer or Smart Device. Go to to download the necessary software and complete a test meeting. If your Computer or Smart Device is not compatible, you have the option to Dial-in using a telephone.

The following applies only if you have received pre-approval from the Assessment Appeals Board or Hearing Officer to present your case remotely.


Remote attendees must submit any evidence in advance, per the guidelines below, as the remote hearing format requires the Clerk of the Board staff to organize hearing evidence so that it can be digitally distributed at the appropriate time of the hearing. All evidence submitted to the Clerk of the Board will be held confidential and will not be provided to the Board or the Assessor’s Office until it is the appropriate time of the hearing for introduction of evidence. As hearing evidence is introduced into the record, hearing participants will be sent a link within Zoom where they can view and download each exhibit as a PDF document. As Board Members, the Clerk, and Assessor staff will still be attending the hearing in person, submission of 6 paper copies (or 3 copies for Hearing Officer Hearing) of your evidence prior to the hearing is still required.

Paper Hard Copy Submission of evidence for Remote Hearings:

  1. Must be received by the Thursday before your scheduled hearing (2 business days).
  2. Deliver in person or Send 6 paper copies (or 3 paper copies for Hearing Officer hearings) of your hearing evidence by US Mail or Other currier service such as UPS or FedEx, we accept all major mail services.
  3. Address the envelope or package as follows:

    Clerk of the Board
    800 S. Victoria Av., #1920
    Ventura, CA 93009-1920

  4. Once received, the Clerk of the Board will E-Mail you with confirmation that your evidence submission was received.

In addition to providing six paper copies (or three paper copies for Hearing Officer hearings)
, E-Mail Submission of evidence for Remote Hearings is required:

  1. Due by the Thursday before your scheduled hearing (2 business days).
  2. Prepare and Organize your hearing documents by naming the file with a number for the order you wish to present and a brief description, such as “1 – Comparable Sales Analysis.pdf” and “2 – Appraisal.pdf”
  3. Attach your Exhibits to an E-Mail and send to the Clerk of the Board at
  4. The maximum file size that the County’s E-Mail system will accept is 25MB. If your E-Mail exceeds this size, first try sending each attachment as a separate E-Mail. We also accept the files through file share services such as Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, or Drop Box.
  5. Once received, the Clerk of the Board will E-Mail you with confirmation that your evidence submission was received.

Findings of Fact Payment:

If you are requesting findings of fact, first please confirm to let the Clerk of the Board know you are doing so. E-Mail or call (805) 654-2251. Payment will need to be made by check payable to “County of Ventura” and hand delivered at the start of your hearing or mailed to the Clerk of the Board prior to your hearing. The Clerk will confirm the amount due when you speak with them prior to mailing the payment.

Check payment should be made payable to: “County of Ventura” and mailed to:

Clerk of the Board
800 S. Victoria Av., #1920
Ventura, CA 93009-1920

Remote Attendance: Day of the Meeting - Instructions for Connecting to the Meeting:

Join the Hearing:
Please join the Zoom meeting by 9:15 a.m., for the Clerk to ensure your attendance and so that you can be ready by the 9:30 a.m. start time. 

Join using a Computer or Smart Device:

  1. Click on the full click-to join link provided to you by the Clerk of the Board, OR go to OR use the Zoom app and select “Join a Meeting”.
  2. Enter the Meeting ID and click “Join”.
    1. If this does not occur, click “Launch Meeting” in your browser window.
  3. Zoom will prompt for your e-mail address and name, Then, click “Join Webinar”.
  4. You should then see the Zoom meeting. Your microphone and camera will remain disabled until you are called on. To make sure your audio settings are correct, click “Audio settings” in the bottom left corner of the Zoom window.
  5. When it is your turn to address the Board, you will see a message pop-up on your screen that says “The host would like you to unmute”. Select “Unmute” and the Board should then be able to hear you.

Join using Phone Dial-In:

  1. Dial 1 (669) 900-9128 or 1 (253) 215-8782 or Toll Free-Dial (888) 788-0099
  2. Enter the Meeting ID followed by when prompted.
  3. Press # to skip the Participant ID when prompted, as you do not have Participant ID.
  4. Press # to skip the Password when prompted, as you do not have Password.
  5. If the meeting hasn’t started yet, you will not hear anything. Once the meeting starts, you should be able to hear the meeting but will remain muted until you are called on by the Board.
  6. When it is your turn to address the Board, you will be identified by the last 4 digits of your phone number.
    Press * then 9 to raise your hand, if necessary.
    Press * then 6 to unmute yourself
In-Person Attendance: Day of the Meeting - Instructions for Attending:

Arrive by 9:15 a.m. to the hearing room indicated on your Notice of Hearing, and check-in with the Clerk of the Board. Parking is limited to 3 hours in lot G. Those expecting to attend for more than 3 hours should park in lot F, beneath the solar panels.

Assessment Appeals Board Meetings are typically held in the Board of Supervisors Hearing Room, Located in the Administration Building – Main Plaza Level, County of Ventura Government Center, 800 S. Victoria Av., Ventura, CA 93009

Assessment Appeals Hearing Officer Meetings are typically held in the Clerk of the Board’s Office – Rincon Conference Room, Located in the Administration Building – Fourth Floor, County of Ventura Government Center, 800 S. Victoria Av., Ventura, CA 93009

In-Person Attendance: Evidence Submission Requirements:

In-Person attendees are required to provide 6 copies of any evidence (or 3 copies for Hearing Officer hearings) they would like the board to consider, not including a copy for yourself.
Please bring your neatly organized hearing documents with you on the day of the hearing. Copying services are not available.

Assigning Exhibit Numbers:
You do not need to assign exhibit numbers to your evidence documents. However, if you wish to pre-number your exhibits, County Ordinance requires that applicant exhibits be identified numerically, beginning with the number 1. This includes any narratives or cover letters that you will present. If you do not pre-number your exhibits, the Clerk of the Board will assign exhibit numbers sequentially based on the order of presentation.

Do not assign your exhibits alphabetical identifiers. County ordinance requires that only Assessor’s Office evidence submission exhibits be identified with letters, beginning with the letter A.

Attendance Issues and Technical Difficulties during the meeting:

If you are unable to attend your hearing as scheduled, either in-person or remotely, you should inform the Clerk of the Board as soon as possible.
On the day of the meeting, if you experience difficulties joining the meeting due to an internet outage or other unforeseen issue, or are delayed in attending in person, please let the Clerk of the Board know immediately, by one of the following methods:

  • Use the Meeting Dial-In Option. If you have phone service, try using the Dial-In option for the meeting. This will give you an opportunity to speak directly with the Appeals Board regarding the issue and the Board can approve rescheduling of your hearing to a new date.
  • E-Mail the Clerk. E-Mail to with the issue you are experiencing and a phone number where you can be reached. The Clerk will relay your message to the Appeals Board. Try to stay connected to your e-mail, as there may be follow-up questions.
  • Call the Clerk of the Board’s Office. Main Office line at (805) 654-2251 and press 4 when the recording begins. This will connect you to the first available staff member in the office, who will relay your message to the Clerk.
Remote Attendance: Hearing Procedures and Instructions during the meeting:

Hearing Procedures:

Applicants, their Representatives, and General members of the public will be able to hear and see the proceedings remotely, but their microphone will be controlled by the Clerk and they will only be able to speak when prompted by the Board.

The Board will first get a status of each case on their agenda, prior to hearing any case presentations or evidence. During this initial status discussion, Applicant’s will only be able to participate with zoom audio or telephone, for efficiency purposes.

Once all in-person and remote participants have had the opportunity to address the Board, the Clerk will identify any outstanding cases where the Applicant has not made an appearance. If an item does not have any stipulation or other request submitted, and the applicant has made no attempt to participate in the meeting in-person or remotely, the Board may then deny the Application due to lack of appearance and no further action will be taken on that appeal.

When it becomes time to hear the details of your case, you will have the ability to freely control your own camera and microphone. While it is preferred that all parties participate with their video camera on, exceptions are made if necessary.

Once all business has been disposed of, the Chair will adjourn the meeting and all Board Members, Assessor Staff, and other remaining remote participants will be disconnected.

Presentation of Arguments and Evidence by Remote Hearing:

You must receive pre-approval from the Assessment Appeals Board or Hering Officer in order to present evidence remotely.

In cases where the Assessor’s Representative and the Applicant or Applicant’s Representative are prepared to move forward with their hearing via remote means, and the Board has agreed to hear the case remotely, the following procedures will apply.

The Board will call the item to being hearing the presentation and arguments and reviewing evidence.

The following steps will take place to conduct hearing presentations:

  1. Before your case begins, you will be administered an oath via zoom.
  2. The Clerk will identify the nature of the pending appeal and transmit an electronic copy of the Assessment Appeal Application to all participants. All documentation will be provided to all participants simultaneously via the Zoom chat function.
  3. The Assessor will give a brief overview of the Property Characteristics and Values under appeal.
  4. The Board will determine if the Applicant or the Assessor has the burden of proof.
  5. The party with the burden of proof will then be given the opportunity to submit their evidentiary documents and provide oral testimony. All parties will receive their own electronic copy of the presentation and evidence. The Clerk of the Board will screen-share the current exhibit of discussion and advance the page when indicated by the presenter.
  6. Once the party bearing the burden of proof has completed their presentation, the other party and the Members of the Board will ask questions of the presenter.
  7. Items 5 and 6 as listed above will then be repeated for the presentation of arguments and evidence by the party who does not hold the burden of proof.
  8. Once each party has had the opportunity to present evidence and be questioned, the Board will ask for closing statements.
  9. The party that does not have the burden of proof will present their closing oral statements first.
  10. The party with the burden of proof shall have the right to make their closing oral statements last.
  11. The Board will then close the hearing to further testimony and evidence, and will determine the appropriate method for deliberations.
  12. The decision of the Board will be sent to all parties via the Clerk in the form of a minute order.
In-Person Attendance: Hearing Procedures and Instructions during the meeting:

Hearing Procedures:

The Board will first get a status of each case on their agenda, prior to hearing any case presentations or evidence. When your appeal case is called, approach the podium, state your name, and provide answers to the Board’s questions.

Once all in-person and remote participants have had the opportunity to address the Board, the Clerk will identify any outstanding cases where the Applicant has not made an appearance. If an item does not have any stipulation or other request submitted, and the applicant has made no attempt to participate in the meeting in-person or remotely, the Board may then deny the Application due to lack of appearance and no further action will be taken on that appeal.

When it becomes time to hear the details of your case, you will have the option to sit down at a table and spread out your documents.

Once all business has been disposed of, the Chair will adjourn the meeting.

Presentation of Arguments and Evidence by In-Person Hearing:

In cases where the Assessor’s Representative and the Applicant or Applicant’s Representative are prepared to move forward with their hearing, the following procedures will apply.

The Board will call the item to being hearing the presentation and arguments and reviewing evidence.

The following steps will take place to conduct hearing presentations:

  1. Before your case begins, you will be administered an oath.
  2. The Clerk will identify the nature of the pending appeal and transmit an electronic copy of the Assessment Appeal Application to all participants. All documentation will be provided to all participants in the form of a paper copy.
  3. The Assessor will give a brief overview of the Property Characteristics and Values under appeal.
  4. The Board will determine if the Applicant or the Assessor has the burden of proof.
  5. The party with the burden of proof will then be given the opportunity to submit their evidentiary documents and provide oral testimony. All parties will receive their own paper copy of the presentation and evidence.
  6. Once the party bearing the burden of proof has completed their presentation, the other party and the Members of the Board will ask questions of the presenter.
  7. Items 5 and 6 as listed above will then be repeated for the presentation of arguments and evidence by the party who does not hold the burden of proof.
  8. Once each party has had the opportunity to present evidence and be questioned, the Board will ask for closing statements.
  9. The party that does not have the burden of proof will present their closing oral statements first.
  10. The party with the burden of proof shall have the right to make their closing oral statements last.
  11. The Board will then close the hearing to further testimony and evidence, and will determine the appropriate method for deliberations.
  12. The decision of the Board will be sent to all parties via the Clerk in the form of a minute order.
Need more information on meeting attendance?

The Clerk of the Assessment Appeals Board is available to answer any questions you have regarding the Assessment Appeals process and questions regarding hybrid hearings by E-Mailing or by calling (805) 654-2251 option 2 sub-option 2. Additionally, please review the resources and literature section of this webpage, above.


A majority of Assessment Appeal Applications are resolved without a formal hearing, by the Applicant and Assessor’s Office working together in advance of the hearing. Please review the “Preparing for your Hearing” Brochure, as well as any request for information letters you receive from the Assessor’s Office, which could help resolve issues and resolve the appeal well in advance of the scheduled hearing.

The Assessor’s Office can be reached by E-Mailing or by calling (805) 654-2181 and asking to speak with the Appeals Division. It is important to note, the Assessment Appeals Board and Clerk of the Board are an independent agency, not part of the County Assessor’s Office.

Currently, all hearings provide for the option to attend in-person. Pursuant to California State Board of Equalization’s Letter to Assessor No. 2022/007, participants may reject a remote hearing. Therefore, if you request a remote hearing and the Assessor or Board/Hearing Officer does not agree, your hearing must then be held with in-person attendance only.

Instructions on how to participate in the meeting remotely or in-person and electronically submit your final case presentation are provided below and will also be provided to you by E-Mail and US Mail at least 2 weeks prior to your scheduled hearing.

If you do not receive the zoom meeting ID and password, it will also be posted on the Agenda for the meeting in question, which will be available on our website the Friday prior to the meeting. To view upcoming meeting agendas, click here.

You have the option to participate using zoom on your computer or smart device, or by telephone dial-in. Participating with a computer is preferred for reviewing evidence and questioning, if unable to attend in person.
You also have the option to attend in-person at the location provided in your notice of hearing.

Download and Test Zoom:  

Several days before the scheduled hearing you should download and test Zoom on your Computer or Smart Device. Go to to download the necessary software and complete a test meeting. If your Computer or Smart Device is not compatible, you have the option to Dial-in using a telephone.


Remote attendees must submit any evidence in advance, per the guidelines below, as the remote hearing format requires the Clerk of the Board staff to organize hearing evidence so that it can be digitally distributed at the appropriate time of the hearing. All evidence submitted to the Clerk of the Board will be held confidential and will not be provided to the Board or the Assessor’s Office until it is the appropriate time of the hearing for introduction of evidence. As hearing evidence is introduced into the record, hearing participants will be sent a link within Zoom where they can view and download each exhibit as a PDF document. As Board Members, the Clerk, and Assessor staff will still be attending the hearing in person, submission of 6 paper copies (or 3 copies for Hearing Officer Hearing) of your evidence prior to the hearing is still required.

Paper Hard Copy Submission of evidence for Remote Hearings:

  1. Must be received by the Thursday before your scheduled hearing (2 business days).
  2. Deliver in person or Send 6 paper copies (or 3 paper copies for Hearing Officer hearings) of your hearing evidence by US Mail or Other currier service such as UPS or FedEx, we accept all major mail services.
  3. Address the envelope or package as follows:

    Clerk of the Board
    800 S. Victoria Av., #1920
    Ventura, CA 93009-1920

  4. Once received, the Clerk of the Board will E-Mail you with confirmation that your evidence submission was received.


In addition to providing six paper copies (or three paper copies for Hearing Officer hearings), E-Mail Submission of evidence for Remote Hearings is required:

  1. Due by the Thursday before your scheduled hearing (2 business days).
  2. Prepare and Organize your hearing documents by naming the file with a number for the order you wish to present and a brief description, such as “1 – Comparable Sales Analysis.pdf” and “2 – Appraisal.pdf”
  3. Attach your Exhibits to an E-Mail and send to the Clerk of the Board at
  4. The maximum file size that the County’s E-Mail system will accept is 25MB. If your E-Mail exceeds this size, first try sending each attachment as a separate E-Mail. We also accept the files through file share services such as Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, or Drop Box.
  5. Once received, the Clerk of the Board will E-Mail you with confirmation that your evidence submission was received.


Findings of Fact Payment:

If you are requesting findings of fact, first please confirm to let the Clerk of the Board know you are doing so. E-Mail or call (805) 654-2251. Payment will need to be made by check payable to “County of Ventura” and hand delivered at the start of your hearing or mailed to the Clerk of the Board prior to your hearing. The Clerk will confirm the amount due when you speak with them prior to mailing the payment.

Check payment should be made payable to: “County of Ventura” and mailed to:

Clerk of the Board
800 S. Victoria Av., #1920
Ventura, CA 93009-1920

Join the Hearing:
Please join the Zoom meeting by 9:15 a.m., for the Clerk to ensure your attendance and so that you can be ready by the 9:30 a.m. start time. 

Join using a Computer or Smart Device:

  1. Click on the full click-to join link provided to you by the Clerk of the Board, OR go to OR use the Zoom app and select “Join a Meeting”.
  2. Enter the Meeting ID and click “Join”.
  3. When prompted enter the meeting passcode and click “Join Meeting”. If this does not occur, click “Launch Meeting” in your browser window.
  4. Zoom will prompt for your e-mail address and name, Then, click “Join Webinar”.
  5. You should then see the Zoom meeting. Your microphone and camera will remain disabled until you are called on. To make sure your audio settings are correct, click “Audio settings” in the bottom left corner of the Zoom window.
  6. When it is your turn to address the Board, you will see a message pop-up on your screen that says “The host would like you to unmute”. Select “Unmute” and the Board should then be able to hear you.

Join using Phone Dial-In:

  1. Dial 1 (669) 900-9128 or 1 (253) 215-8782.
  2. Enter the Meeting ID followed by when prompted.
  3. Press # to skip the Participant ID when prompted, as you do not have Participant ID.
  4. Enter the Meeting Password followed by # when prompted.
  5. If the meeting hasn’t started yet, you will not hear anything. Once the meeting starts, you should be able to hear the meeting but will remain muted until you are called on by the Board.
  6. When it is your turn to address the Board, you will be identified by the last 4 digits of your phone number.
    Press * then 9 to raise your hand, if necessary.
    Press * then 6 to unmute yourself

Arrive by 9:15 a.m. to the hearing room indicated on your Notice of Hearing, and check-in with the Clerk of the Board. Parking is limited to 3 hours in lot G. Those expecting to attend for more than 3 hours should park in lot F, beneath the solar panels.

Assessment Appeals Board Meetings are typically held in the Board of Supervisors Hearing Room, Located in the Administration Building – Main Plaza Level, County of Ventura Government Center, 800 S. Victoria Av., Ventura, CA 93009

Assessment Appeals Hearing Officer Meetings are typically held in the Clerk of the Board’s Office – Rincon Conference Room, Located in the Administration Building – Fourth Floor, County of Ventura Government Center, 800 S. Victoria Av., Ventura, CA 93009

In-Person attendees are required to provide 6 copies of any evidence (or 3 copies for Hearing Officer hearings) they would like the board to consider, not including a copy for yourself.
Please bring your neatly organized hearing documents with you on the day of the hearing. Copying services are not available.

Assigning Exhibit Numbers:
You do not need to assign exhibit numbers to your evidence documents. However, if you wish to pre-number your exhibits, County Ordinance requires that applicant exhibits be identified numerically, beginning with the number 1. This includes any narratives or cover letters that you will present. If you do not pre-number your exhibits, the Clerk of the Board will assign exhibit numbers sequentially based on the order of presentation.

Do not assign your exhibits alphabetical identifiers. County ordinance requires that only Assessor’s Office evidence submission exhibits be identified with letters, beginning with the letter A.

If you are unable to attend your hearing as scheduled, either in-person or remotely, you should inform the Clerk of the Board as soon as possible.
On the day of the meeting, if you experience difficulties joining the meeting due to an internet outage or other unforeseen issue, or are delayed in attending in person, please let the Clerk of the Board know immediately, by one of the following methods:

  • Use the Meeting Dial-In Option. If you have phone service, try using the Dial-In option for the meeting. This will give you an opportunity to speak directly with the Appeals Board regarding the issue and the Board can approve rescheduling of your hearing to a new date.
  • E-Mail the Clerk. E-Mail to with the issue you are experiencing and a phone number where you can be reached. The Clerk will relay your message to the Appeals Board. Try to stay connected to your e-mail, as there may be follow-up questions.
  • Call the Clerk of the Board’s Office. Main Office line at (805) 654-2251 and press 4 when the recording begins. This will connect you to the first available staff member in the office, who will relay your message to the Clerk.

Hearing Procedures:

Applicants, their Representatives, and General members of the public will be able to hear and see the proceedings remotely, but their microphone will be controlled by the Clerk and they will only be able to speak when prompted by the Board.

The Board will first get a status of each case on their agenda, prior to hearing any case presentations or evidence. During this initial status discussion, Applicant’s will only be able to participate with zoom audio or telephone, for efficiency purposes.

Once all in-person and remote participants have had the opportunity to address the Board, the Clerk will identify any outstanding cases where the Applicant has not made an appearance. If an item does not have any stipulation or other request submitted, and the applicant has made no attempt to participate in the meeting in-person or remotely, the Board may then deny the Application due to lack of appearance and no further action will be taken on that appeal.

When it becomes time to hear the details of your case, you will have the ability to freely control your own camera and microphone. While it is preferred that all parties participate with their video camera on, exceptions are made if necessary.

Once all business has been disposed of, the Chair will adjourn the meeting and all Board Members, Assessor Staff, and other remaining remote participants will be disconnected.


Presentation of Arguments and Evidence by Remote Hearing:

In cases where the Assessor’s Representative and the Applicant or Applicant’s Representative are prepared to move forward with their hearing via remote means, and the Board has agreed to hear the case remotely, the following procedures will apply.

The Board will call the item to being hearing the presentation and arguments and reviewing evidence.

The following steps will take place to conduct hearing presentations:

  1. Before your case begins, you will be administered an oath via zoom.
  2. The Clerk will identify the nature of the pending appeal and transmit an electronic copy of the Assessment Appeal Application to all participants. All documentation will be provided to all participants simultaneously via the Zoom chat function.
  3. The Assessor will give a brief overview of the Property Characteristics and Values under appeal.
  4. The Board will determine if the Applicant or the Assessor has the burden of proof.
  5. The party with the burden of proof will then be given the opportunity to submit their evidentiary documents and provide oral testimony. All parties will receive their own electronic copy of the presentation and evidence. The Clerk of the Board will screen-share the current exhibit of discussion and advance the page when indicated by the presenter.
  6. Once the party bearing the burden of proof has completed their presentation, the other party and the Members of the Board will ask questions of the presenter.
  7. Items 5 and 6 as listed above will then be repeated for the presentation of arguments and evidence by the party who does not hold the burden of proof.
  8. Once each party has had the opportunity to present evidence and be questioned, the Board will ask for closing statements.
  9. The party that does not have the burden of proof will present their closing oral statements first.
  10. The party with the burden of proof shall have the right to make their closing oral statements last.
  11. The Board will then close the hearing to further testimony and evidence, and will determine the appropriate method for deliberations.
  12. The decision of the Board will be sent to all parties via the Clerk in the form of a minute order.

Hearing Procedures:

The Board will first get a status of each case on their agenda, prior to hearing any case presentations or evidence. When your appeal case is called, approach the podium, state your name, and provide answers to the Board’s questions.

Once all in-person and remote participants have had the opportunity to address the Board, the Clerk will identify any outstanding cases where the Applicant has not made an appearance. If an item does not have any stipulation or other request submitted, and the applicant has made no attempt to participate in the meeting in-person or remotely, the Board may then deny the Application due to lack of appearance and no further action will be taken on that appeal.

When it becomes time to hear the details of your case, you will have the option to sit down at a table and spread out your documents.

Once all business has been disposed of, the Chair will adjourn the meeting.


Presentation of Arguments and Evidence by In-Person Hearing:

In cases where the Assessor’s Representative and the Applicant or Applicant’s Representative are prepared to move forward with their hearing, the following procedures will apply.

The Board will call the item to being hearing the presentation and arguments and reviewing evidence.

The following steps will take place to conduct hearing presentations:

  1. Before your case begins, you will be administered an oath.
  2. The Clerk will identify the nature of the pending appeal and transmit an electronic copy of the Assessment Appeal Application to all participants. All documentation will be provided to all participants in the form of a paper copy.
  3. The Assessor will give a brief overview of the Property Characteristics and Values under appeal.
  4. The Board will determine if the Applicant or the Assessor has the burden of proof.
  5. The party with the burden of proof will then be given the opportunity to submit their evidentiary documents and provide oral testimony. All parties will receive their own paper copy of the presentation and evidence.
  6. Once the party bearing the burden of proof has completed their presentation, the other party and the Members of the Board will ask questions of the presenter.
  7. Items 5 and 6 as listed above will then be repeated for the presentation of arguments and evidence by the party who does not hold the burden of proof.
  8. Once each party has had the opportunity to present evidence and be questioned, the Board will ask for closing statements.
  9. The party that does not have the burden of proof will present their closing oral statements first.
  10. The party with the burden of proof shall have the right to make their closing oral statements last.
  11. The Board will then close the hearing to further testimony and evidence, and will determine the appropriate method for deliberations.
  12. The decision of the Board will be sent to all parties via the Clerk in the form of a minute order.

The Clerk of the Assessment Appeals Board is available to answer any questions you have regarding the Assessment Appeals process and questions regarding hybrid hearings by E-Mailing or by calling (805) 654-2251 option 2 sub-option 2. Additionally, please review the resources and literature section of this webpage, above.


A majority of Assessment Appeal Applications are resolved without a formal hearing, by the Applicant and Assessor’s Office working together in advance of the hearing. Please review the “Preparing for your Hearing” Brochure, as well as any request for information letters you receive from the Assessor’s Office, which could help resolve issues and resolve the appeal well in advance of the scheduled hearing.

The Assessor’s Office can be reached by E-Mailing or by calling (805) 654-2181 and asking to speak with the Appeals Division. It is important to note, the Assessment Appeals Board and Clerk of the Board are an independent agency, not part of the County Assessor’s Office.

In-Person Attendance at the hearing room is required for presenting your case arguments, evidence, and final presentation, with limited exceptions.

Requests to remotely present your case will be considered by the Board on a case-by-case basis, and may include but are not limited to reasons such as transportation, childcare, and work restrictions. Requests to present your case remotely should only be made if in-person attendance will not be possible or will create hardship.

The Assessor’s Office and the Board have the right to require an in-person hearing if they so desire. Pursuant to California State Board of Equalization’s Letter to Assessor No. 2022/007, participants may reject a remote hearing. Therefore, if you request a remote hearing and the Assessor or Board/Hearing Officer does not agree, your hearing must then be held with in-person attendance only.

In order to request to present your case remotely, you will need to attend the currently scheduled hearing remotely, request a continuance (reschedule) from the Board, and indicate that you would like to present your case remotely, while also giving specific reasons for why you are unable to attend in-person.

Instructions on how to participate in the meeting remotely will be provided to you by E-Mail and US Mail at least 2 weeks prior to your scheduled hearing.

If you do not receive the zoom meeting ID, it will also be posted on the Agenda for the meeting in question, which will be available on our website the Friday prior to the meeting. To view upcoming meeting agendas, click here.

You have the option to participate using zoom on your computer or smart device, or by telephone dial-in. Participating with a computer is preferred, if unable to attend in person.
You also have the option to attend in-person at the location provided in your notice of hearing.

Download and Test Zoom:  

Several days before the scheduled hearing you should download and test Zoom on your Computer or Smart Device. Go to to download the necessary software and complete a test meeting. If your Computer or Smart Device is not compatible, you have the option to Dial-in using a telephone.

The following applies only if you have received pre-approval from the Assessment Appeals Board or Hearing Officer to present your case remotely.


Remote attendees must submit any evidence in advance, per the guidelines below, as the remote hearing format requires the Clerk of the Board staff to organize hearing evidence so that it can be digitally distributed at the appropriate time of the hearing. All evidence submitted to the Clerk of the Board will be held confidential and will not be provided to the Board or the Assessor’s Office until it is the appropriate time of the hearing for introduction of evidence. As hearing evidence is introduced into the record, hearing participants will be sent a link within Zoom where they can view and download each exhibit as a PDF document. As Board Members, the Clerk, and Assessor staff will still be attending the hearing in person, submission of 6 paper copies (or 3 copies for Hearing Officer Hearing) of your evidence prior to the hearing is still required.

Paper Hard Copy Submission of evidence for Remote Hearings:

  1. Must be received by the Thursday before your scheduled hearing (2 business days).
  2. Deliver in person or Send 6 paper copies (or 3 paper copies for Hearing Officer hearings) of your hearing evidence by US Mail or Other currier service such as UPS or FedEx, we accept all major mail services.
  3. Address the envelope or package as follows:

    Clerk of the Board
    800 S. Victoria Av., #1920
    Ventura, CA 93009-1920

  4. Once received, the Clerk of the Board will E-Mail you with confirmation that your evidence submission was received.

In addition to providing six paper copies (or three paper copies for Hearing Officer hearings)
, E-Mail Submission of evidence for Remote Hearings is required:

  1. Due by the Thursday before your scheduled hearing (2 business days).
  2. Prepare and Organize your hearing documents by naming the file with a number for the order you wish to present and a brief description, such as “1 – Comparable Sales Analysis.pdf” and “2 – Appraisal.pdf”
  3. Attach your Exhibits to an E-Mail and send to the Clerk of the Board at
  4. The maximum file size that the County’s E-Mail system will accept is 25MB. If your E-Mail exceeds this size, first try sending each attachment as a separate E-Mail. We also accept the files through file share services such as Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, or Drop Box.
  5. Once received, the Clerk of the Board will E-Mail you with confirmation that your evidence submission was received.

Findings of Fact Payment:

If you are requesting findings of fact, first please confirm to let the Clerk of the Board know you are doing so. E-Mail or call (805) 654-2251. Payment will need to be made by check payable to “County of Ventura” and hand delivered at the start of your hearing or mailed to the Clerk of the Board prior to your hearing. The Clerk will confirm the amount due when you speak with them prior to mailing the payment.

Check payment should be made payable to: “County of Ventura” and mailed to:

Clerk of the Board
800 S. Victoria Av., #1920
Ventura, CA 93009-1920

Join the Hearing:
Please join the Zoom meeting by 9:15 a.m., for the Clerk to ensure your attendance and so that you can be ready by the 9:30 a.m. start time. 

Join using a Computer or Smart Device:

  1. Click on the full click-to join link provided to you by the Clerk of the Board, OR go to OR use the Zoom app and select “Join a Meeting”.
  2. Enter the Meeting ID and click “Join”.
    1. If this does not occur, click “Launch Meeting” in your browser window.
  3. Zoom will prompt for your e-mail address and name, Then, click “Join Webinar”.
  4. You should then see the Zoom meeting. Your microphone and camera will remain disabled until you are called on. To make sure your audio settings are correct, click “Audio settings” in the bottom left corner of the Zoom window.
  5. When it is your turn to address the Board, you will see a message pop-up on your screen that says “The host would like you to unmute”. Select “Unmute” and the Board should then be able to hear you.

Join using Phone Dial-In:

  1. Dial 1 (669) 900-9128 or 1 (253) 215-8782 or Toll Free-Dial (888) 788-0099
  2. Enter the Meeting ID followed by when prompted.
  3. Press # to skip the Participant ID when prompted, as you do not have Participant ID.
  4. Press # to skip the Password when prompted, as you do not have Password.
  5. If the meeting hasn’t started yet, you will not hear anything. Once the meeting starts, you should be able to hear the meeting but will remain muted until you are called on by the Board.
  6. When it is your turn to address the Board, you will be identified by the last 4 digits of your phone number.
    Press * then 9 to raise your hand, if necessary.
    Press * then 6 to unmute yourself

Arrive by 9:15 a.m. to the hearing room indicated on your Notice of Hearing, and check-in with the Clerk of the Board. Parking is limited to 3 hours in lot G. Those expecting to attend for more than 3 hours should park in lot F, beneath the solar panels.

Assessment Appeals Board Meetings are typically held in the Board of Supervisors Hearing Room, Located in the Administration Building – Main Plaza Level, County of Ventura Government Center, 800 S. Victoria Av., Ventura, CA 93009

Assessment Appeals Hearing Officer Meetings are typically held in the Clerk of the Board’s Office – Rincon Conference Room, Located in the Administration Building – Fourth Floor, County of Ventura Government Center, 800 S. Victoria Av., Ventura, CA 93009

In-Person attendees are required to provide 6 copies of any evidence (or 3 copies for Hearing Officer hearings) they would like the board to consider, not including a copy for yourself.
Please bring your neatly organized hearing documents with you on the day of the hearing. Copying services are not available.

Assigning Exhibit Numbers:
You do not need to assign exhibit numbers to your evidence documents. However, if you wish to pre-number your exhibits, County Ordinance requires that applicant exhibits be identified numerically, beginning with the number 1. This includes any narratives or cover letters that you will present. If you do not pre-number your exhibits, the Clerk of the Board will assign exhibit numbers sequentially based on the order of presentation.

Do not assign your exhibits alphabetical identifiers. County ordinance requires that only Assessor’s Office evidence submission exhibits be identified with letters, beginning with the letter A.

If you are unable to attend your hearing as scheduled, either in-person or remotely, you should inform the Clerk of the Board as soon as possible.
On the day of the meeting, if you experience difficulties joining the meeting due to an internet outage or other unforeseen issue, or are delayed in attending in person, please let the Clerk of the Board know immediately, by one of the following methods:

  • Use the Meeting Dial-In Option. If you have phone service, try using the Dial-In option for the meeting. This will give you an opportunity to speak directly with the Appeals Board regarding the issue and the Board can approve rescheduling of your hearing to a new date.
  • E-Mail the Clerk. E-Mail to with the issue you are experiencing and a phone number where you can be reached. The Clerk will relay your message to the Appeals Board. Try to stay connected to your e-mail, as there may be follow-up questions.
  • Call the Clerk of the Board’s Office. Main Office line at (805) 654-2251 and press 4 when the recording begins. This will connect you to the first available staff member in the office, who will relay your message to the Clerk.

Hearing Procedures:

Applicants, their Representatives, and General members of the public will be able to hear and see the proceedings remotely, but their microphone will be controlled by the Clerk and they will only be able to speak when prompted by the Board.

The Board will first get a status of each case on their agenda, prior to hearing any case presentations or evidence. During this initial status discussion, Applicant’s will only be able to participate with zoom audio or telephone, for efficiency purposes.

Once all in-person and remote participants have had the opportunity to address the Board, the Clerk will identify any outstanding cases where the Applicant has not made an appearance. If an item does not have any stipulation or other request submitted, and the applicant has made no attempt to participate in the meeting in-person or remotely, the Board may then deny the Application due to lack of appearance and no further action will be taken on that appeal.

When it becomes time to hear the details of your case, you will have the ability to freely control your own camera and microphone. While it is preferred that all parties participate with their video camera on, exceptions are made if necessary.

Once all business has been disposed of, the Chair will adjourn the meeting and all Board Members, Assessor Staff, and other remaining remote participants will be disconnected.

Presentation of Arguments and Evidence by Remote Hearing:

You must receive pre-approval from the Assessment Appeals Board or Hering Officer in order to present evidence remotely.

In cases where the Assessor’s Representative and the Applicant or Applicant’s Representative are prepared to move forward with their hearing via remote means, and the Board has agreed to hear the case remotely, the following procedures will apply.

The Board will call the item to being hearing the presentation and arguments and reviewing evidence.

The following steps will take place to conduct hearing presentations:

  1. Before your case begins, you will be administered an oath via zoom.
  2. The Clerk will identify the nature of the pending appeal and transmit an electronic copy of the Assessment Appeal Application to all participants. All documentation will be provided to all participants simultaneously via the Zoom chat function.
  3. The Assessor will give a brief overview of the Property Characteristics and Values under appeal.
  4. The Board will determine if the Applicant or the Assessor has the burden of proof.
  5. The party with the burden of proof will then be given the opportunity to submit their evidentiary documents and provide oral testimony. All parties will receive their own electronic copy of the presentation and evidence. The Clerk of the Board will screen-share the current exhibit of discussion and advance the page when indicated by the presenter.
  6. Once the party bearing the burden of proof has completed their presentation, the other party and the Members of the Board will ask questions of the presenter.
  7. Items 5 and 6 as listed above will then be repeated for the presentation of arguments and evidence by the party who does not hold the burden of proof.
  8. Once each party has had the opportunity to present evidence and be questioned, the Board will ask for closing statements.
  9. The party that does not have the burden of proof will present their closing oral statements first.
  10. The party with the burden of proof shall have the right to make their closing oral statements last.
  11. The Board will then close the hearing to further testimony and evidence, and will determine the appropriate method for deliberations.
  12. The decision of the Board will be sent to all parties via the Clerk in the form of a minute order.

Hearing Procedures:

The Board will first get a status of each case on their agenda, prior to hearing any case presentations or evidence. When your appeal case is called, approach the podium, state your name, and provide answers to the Board’s questions.

Once all in-person and remote participants have had the opportunity to address the Board, the Clerk will identify any outstanding cases where the Applicant has not made an appearance. If an item does not have any stipulation or other request submitted, and the applicant has made no attempt to participate in the meeting in-person or remotely, the Board may then deny the Application due to lack of appearance and no further action will be taken on that appeal.

When it becomes time to hear the details of your case, you will have the option to sit down at a table and spread out your documents.

Once all business has been disposed of, the Chair will adjourn the meeting.

Presentation of Arguments and Evidence by In-Person Hearing:

In cases where the Assessor’s Representative and the Applicant or Applicant’s Representative are prepared to move forward with their hearing, the following procedures will apply.

The Board will call the item to being hearing the presentation and arguments and reviewing evidence.

The following steps will take place to conduct hearing presentations:

  1. Before your case begins, you will be administered an oath.
  2. The Clerk will identify the nature of the pending appeal and transmit an electronic copy of the Assessment Appeal Application to all participants. All documentation will be provided to all participants in the form of a paper copy.
  3. The Assessor will give a brief overview of the Property Characteristics and Values under appeal.
  4. The Board will determine if the Applicant or the Assessor has the burden of proof.
  5. The party with the burden of proof will then be given the opportunity to submit their evidentiary documents and provide oral testimony. All parties will receive their own paper copy of the presentation and evidence.
  6. Once the party bearing the burden of proof has completed their presentation, the other party and the Members of the Board will ask questions of the presenter.
  7. Items 5 and 6 as listed above will then be repeated for the presentation of arguments and evidence by the party who does not hold the burden of proof.
  8. Once each party has had the opportunity to present evidence and be questioned, the Board will ask for closing statements.
  9. The party that does not have the burden of proof will present their closing oral statements first.
  10. The party with the burden of proof shall have the right to make their closing oral statements last.
  11. The Board will then close the hearing to further testimony and evidence, and will determine the appropriate method for deliberations.
  12. The decision of the Board will be sent to all parties via the Clerk in the form of a minute order.

The Clerk of the Assessment Appeals Board is available to answer any questions you have regarding the Assessment Appeals process and questions regarding hybrid hearings by E-Mailing or by calling (805) 654-2251 option 2 sub-option 2. Additionally, please review the resources and literature section of this webpage, above.


Contact Information

The Clerk of the Board is responsible for receipt and processing of Assessment Appeal Applications and verifying submitted applications meet all requirements. We also ensure all applications receive a hearing, unless issues are resolved to the satisfaction of the Applicant beforehand. We can answer questions you might have, and guide you to additional resources. We DO NOT report to the County Assessor, we are a division of the County Executive Office and report to the Assessment Appeals Board and County Board of Supervisors. 

If you have further questions or need clarification, please contact us. We are here to assist you.

Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Phone: (805) 654-2251 (select option 2)


Visit Us:
Ventura County Government Center
Hall of Administration Building, Fourth Floor
800 S. Victoria Ave.
Ventura, CA

Mailing Address:
Clerk of the Board
800 S. Victoria Avenue, L#1920
Ventura, CA 93009-1920

Throughout the Assessment Appeal process, you may also be in contact with the following County Agencies: 

Assessor’s Office
Phone: (805) 654-2181

The Assessor’s Office determines the Assessed value that you may be appealing with the Clerk of the Board. Throughout the Assessment Appeal Process, you will receive letters and be in continuous contact with the Assessor’s Appeals division. Prior to appealing, the Assessor’s other divisions may be assisting you in answering questions about your Assessment. The Assessor’s Office is a party to your Assessment Appeal. The Assessment Appeals Board is independent of the Assessor’s Office, and does not report to the County Assessor.

You can call, view the Assessor’s website, or make an appointment to visit them in person, to discuss your Assessment and/or to discuss resolution of a filed Assessment Appeal Application. Visit their website or call for more information.

Auditor-Controller’s Office
Phone: (805) 654-3181

The Auditor-Controller’s Office is responsible for adjustment of Tax Bills AFTER the Assessment Appeal Application is resolved. Upon successful appeal, the Auditor-Controller’s Office may apply the reduction by adjusting a future Tax Bill or issuing a Refund. AFTER you have received a letter confirming that an Assessment has been adjusted, you can call the Auditor-Controller’s Property Tax division for information on Refunds and Tax Adjustments.

Treasurer-Tax Collector’s Office
Phone: (805) 654-3744

Regardless of the status of a pending Assessment Appeal, any Tax Bills issued by the Tax Collector must be paid as due, or you may incur penalties and fines. The Tax Collector’s Office issues your Tax Bill and receives payment of Property Taxes. The Assessment Appeals Board has no authority to waive fines and penalties levied by the Tax Collector. For more information of Penalties and Fines, or to determine eligibility for a payment plan, please call the Tax Collector’s Office.

California State Board of Equalization

The California State Board of Equalization, commonly referred to at the BOE, sets Rules and Regulations for the Assessment process and the Assessment Appeal process. They have numerous publications and guidance that is utilized by the County Assessor’s Office for Assessing your property, and for all parties involved in the Assessment Appeal process.

California Taxpayer’s Rights Advocate
Phone: (916) 274-3400

The Taxpayer’s Rights Advocate is a State-Level Office to assist in resolution with issues, if you believe they can not be addressed at the local level. Before contacting the Taxpayer’s Rights Advocate, you should first try to resolve any issues by directly communicating with the Assessor’s Office or the Clerk of the Board’s Office.