Going to Court
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Closed captioning is available on our website’s videos.
1. Click on the video.
2. Icons will appear at the bottom of the video.
3. (You can pause the video by clicking on it again while completing this next step). Locate and click the icon of a white box with “CC” in the middle. This will enable closed captioning.
4. Click on the white gear icon (to the right of the closed captioning icon) to navigate additional closed captioning settings.
5. Enlarge the video to full screen by clicking the white square icon (next to the “YouTube” icon), if needed.
Coming to Court
Preparing for Court Video
- Carefully review the paperwork you received. Call our office at 866-901-3212, if you have questions.
- You may appear virtually via Zoom or in person.
- Fill out all forms prior to court and bring all documents requested. Refer to the Ventura Superior Court’s local rules 9.16 – 9.18 regarding documents that must be filed and brought to court. The Local Court Rules may be accessed here: Local Court Rules
- You may bring additional documents you want to show the commissioner.
- There is airport-type security at the courthouse.
The Court assigns free Spanish and Mixteco qualified court interpreters to child support court proceedings. To request an interpreter for all other languages and for more information on court interpreters, please visit the Ventura Superior Court website.
- Children are not allowed in the courtroom. It is best not to bring children, unless they are needed for mediation.
- There is a children’s waiting room for children that are at least 2 ½ years old and are toilet trained. There is limited capacity, so if you plan to use their services, arrive early. Children who are sick are not allowed in the children’s waiting room.
- Children’s waiting room phone number: (805) 289-8735.
What to Expect in Court
What Happens in Court Video
- The Court will start the day with the Calendar Call. This is a “roll call” to find out who is present.
- If you are late and miss roll call your hearing may proceed without you or delayed until the end of the day. In some cases, the hearing will be cancelled.
- After roll call, the attorneys from our Department will talk to each party privately to discuss the case.
- If the parties reach an agreement, our office will prepare a Stipulation.
- Once all parties sign the Stipulation, you will be dismissed and no hearing will be needed.
- If the parties cannot reach an agreement, they will have a hearing.
- Court can sometimes last all day. Be prepared to be in court until the end of the day.
During Your Hearing
- Each party will have a chance to speak to the commissioner. The commissioner will speak to you and you will speak directly to him or her.
- Always direct your conversation toward the court and not the other party.
- If you don’t understand something ask the commissioner to clarify it.
After the Hearing
What Happens After Court (video)
- After the hearing, you will be dismissed.
If the Court issues an order, a copy will be mailed to you within 4-6 weeks after the hearing, once the order has been filed with the Court and signed by the Commissioner.
Calculating Your Child Support
Calculating Your Child Support (video)
What If I Don’t Go to Court on My Case?
- No one else can represent you except your own attorney.
- If you do not attend the hearing, you will not be represented in court. DCSS attorneys represent the state and not either party.
- The hearing may proceed without you.
- In certain circumstances, you may request a telephonic hearing, for a fee, through Court Call. You can contact them at: 888-882-6878 or www.courtcall.com.
- Remember you have the option to appear virtually via Zoom.
Getting to Court
- From the 101 or 126 freeways, exit Victoria Ave.
- Arrive early to allow for the time it takes to get through security.
- For the easiest access to the court, park in Lot A, B, or C. Refer to the map below for the location of the Hall of Justice and for parking.
- Do not park in restricted or time limited lots. You will receive a ticket!
Closed captioning is available on our website’s videos.
- Click on the video.
- Icons will appear at the bottom of the video.
- (You can pause the video by clicking on it again while completing this next step). Locate and click the icon of a white box with “CC” in the middle. This will enable closed captioning.
- Click on the white gear icon (to the right of the closed captioning icon) to navigate additional closed captioning settings.
- Enlarge the video to full screen by clicking the white square icon (next to the “YouTube” icon), if needed.