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Business Assistance and Resources

Ventura County Grows Business
Welcome to this brief tour of Ventura County and our ten key communities. Ventura County offers your business everything it needs and everything your employees want. Rarely does a business location provide the unique combination of infrastructure, skilled workforce, financial stability, market access, affordability and the quality of life that’s available in Ventura County.

Business Resources – General List
A general list of County, State and Federal resources for businesses.

Ventura County Green Business Program
The Ventura County Green Business Program is a free certification program that assists small- to medium-sized businesses by implementing sustainable and cost-saving measures.

California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CATFA)
The CDTFA website has specific information about the programs they administer, how to register for permits and licenses, and how to file and report correctly.

CalGold – Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development
The California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development permit assistance website, CalGold, is a comprehensive website that assists business owners in finding the appropriate permit information for their business. It also provides contact information for the various agencies that administer and issue permits, including those for cities, counties, and various other departments, including the CDTFA.

One Stop Permitting Website
The first step when looking for a County permit is to visit the Ventura County One Stop Permitting website. This website was built with the end-user in mind. It takes you step-by-step through almost every County permitting process with links and resources along the way. This website is especially helpful for residents who have never applied for a planning or building permit. It covers a wide range of permits including:

FilmingTree trimmingReplacement roof installationHome additions
Patio coversBarns under 2,000 square feet in sizeSwimming PoolsSecond dwelling units or “granny flats”
Single-family homes on vacant, legal lotsGround mounted solar panelsElectrical service for agricultural wellsStorage sheds
GradingNon-habitable structures within a FEMA floodplainTract MapsParcel Maps
Discretionary Parcel Map WaiversConditional Certificates of ComplianceConditional Use PermitsPlanned Development Permits
VariancesAdministrative VariancesZone Changes 

Permit Navigator
The County of Ventura strives to consistently improve the services it provides to residents including small businesses. The Permit Navigator program is a service to help small business owners find the best pathway to complete any County permitting process. This program is especially helpful when a permit application has been submitted and the business owner feels “stuck” in the process. Questions can be emailed to VCpermitnavigator@ventura.org with an explanation of the issue. Response time is within 2-3 business days.

Business Consultants


EDC-VC – Economic Development Collaborative
The EDC-VC is the business resource for companies of all sizes doing business in Ventura County. EDC-VC promotes jobs and economic growth to maintain the county’s economic vitality through these key programs and services: Business consulting and workshops, loans, manufacturing outreach program, G.E.T. Trade, the how-to on international trade.

SBDC – Small Business Development Center
EDC-VC has added the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) to its menu of comprehensive business services. SBDC provides free advising and workshops to small business owners in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties.

SCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, grow and achieve their goals through education and mentorship. Supported by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), and a network of 12,000+ volunteers, they are able to deliver business consulting services at no charge or at very low cost.

WEV – Women’s Economic Ventures
Women’s Economic Ventures (WEV) programs combine classroom training, capital and individual technical assistance to support the small business entrepreneur through start-up, stabilization and growth phases. Most services are provided in Spanish and English.

Get a Loan


EDC-VC – Economic Development Collaborative
The EDC-VC is the business resource for companies of all sizes doing business in Ventura County. EDC-VC promotes jobs and economic growth to maintain the county’s economic vitality through these key programs and services: Business consulting and workshops, loans, manufacturing outreach program, G.E.T. Trade, the how-to on international trade.

SBDC – Small Business Development Center
EDC-VC has added the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) to its menu of comprehensive business services. SBDC provides free advising and workshops to small business owners in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties.

RMDZ-Recycling Market Development Zone Program
The County of Ventura, along with its ten cities, is a state-designated Recycling Market Development Zone (RMDZ). The purpose of the RMDZ is to help create local markets for the processing, manufacturing, and marketing of products made from recycled materials. Businesses are eligible for a variety of state and local incentives and assistance if they use recycled or reused materials to make products, or if they can make their products out of less material than they did previously.

G.E.T Trade – Global Entrepreneur Training in Trade Program
EDC-VC program, GET International Training provides one-on-one specialized consulting and a private tour of the Port of Hueneme to help businesses develop core international business skills.

SCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, grow and achieve their goals through education and mentorship. Supported by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), and a network of 12,000+ volunteers, they are able to deliver business consulting services at no charge or at very low cost.

WEV – Women’s Economic Ventures
Women’s Economic Ventures (WEV) programs combine classroom training, capital and individual technical assistance to support the small business entrepreneur through start-up, stabilization and growth phases. Most services are provided in Spanish and English.

VCEDA – Ventura County Economic Development Association
To advocate for policies, legislation and programs that stimulate business and a vital economy as the foundation for a vibrant quality of life in Ventura County.

WDB – Workforce Development Board

  • Employers
    Employers can take advantage of free employment services and recruiting, on-the-job training, skills enhancement, and customized training.  Business consulting services include customized needs analysis, strategic planning and growth, management and marketing, and financial analysis.
  • Careers and Training
    The Workforce Development Board offers valuable services and resources for employers and job seekers to get help when they need it. WDB programs and services are offered at no cost to employers and job seekers through America’s Job Center of California locations in Ventura County.
  • OneStop – Job & Career Centers
    The Virtual OneStop is a comprehensive employment services web site providing online resources to job seekers and employers at no cost.
  • State Business Resources
    The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) was created by Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. to serve as California’s single point of contact for economic development and job creation efforts. GO-Biz offers a range of services to business owners including: attraction, retention and expansion services, site selection, permit streamlining, clearing of regulatory hurdles, small business assistance, international trade development, assistance with state government, and much more.
  • SBA – US Small Business Administration
    Small business is America’s most powerful engine of opportunity and economic growth. That’s where the SBA comes in. SBA offers a variety of programs and support services to help businesses navigate the issues they face.

Chambers of Commerce


Economic Development Departments


United States Census Bureau


Ventura County Statistics
To serve as the leading source of quality data about the nation’s people and economy and to provide the best mix of timeliness, relevancy, quality, and cost for the data they collect and services they provide.

Business & Industry Statistics
To serve as the leading source of quality data about the nation’s people and economy and to provide the best mix of timeliness, relevancy, quality, and cost for the data they collect and services they provide.

Real Estate Statistics